I've been in post-Birka/Northern-lights-prize-scroll mode. Plans for the weekend.
-Get picked up by Master Harold around 7:30-8 tomorrow morning to head to
Novice Scola And yes, I'm already mostly packed.
We should be getting there around noonish, must remember to pack a set of mundanes.
I'm teaching three classes 1)Embroidery basics 2)Ilumination basics and 3)Knotted pearl necklaces. Good classes that I've taught before, but I'm tweaking them a bit this time.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone down there. It's one of my favorite events of the year (that and Spring Inspirations in Malagentia) It's such a relaxing event. I've nothing to do but be there, and enjoy being around people I like.
--oh, must remember to pack a few gifts for the autocrat and the teacher-herder.
--tonight, (I know this is out of chronological order but it's how my brain is working) go to Kinko's for printouts of class handouts.
I've given up trying to get the prize scrolls done for tomorrow, I'll either mail them up to the Northern Lights coordinator or try to get them hand delivered. I've been learning a lot on these, particularly about decoration within the text, I'm actually rather pleased with them. (for the currently scanned ones check out my
Deviant Arts account.)
Well, that's all for now...