Jun 13, 2004 19:47
Today I went to church and good life. After that Amanda and I went down town and I got 2 CDs. ( ) by Sigur-Ros, and Lateralus by Tool. Both are so good it's silly. Sigur-Ros is good music to fall asleep to or go for walks alone with. It's peaceful, they're all ballads if you like that sort of thing. Tool is just insane and I love. Until now I've only heard the singles, now it's definite. They are one of the best bands ever. (musically) I can't say that they are my favorite but I know what is amazing and I hold tool in the highest respect as musicians. Not that my opinion means anything in the grand scheme of things, I just like telling the world what I think.
On the dark side of the moon, I have all sorts of math homework to catch up on. I did this major math assignment. It was worth 3% or something. It took me an hour to do it and then at the very end I realized it was all wrong. It was a car finance sheet. Where there is a picture of a car and the list price, below each there is a list of the interest rates and down payment etc. I made my way down the list and finally at the last one I find there is no info. I look around for it only to find my teacher has drawn lines from each list of info with arrows going every which way and scrambling the whole sheet. Meaning I did not connect the right car to the right info. If anyone understands this good for you. I still don't understand miss Shepard's reasoning for this. next time I see her I'll knock teeth.
And that's about all I have to say, I'm off to re-do the bloody thing.
P.S. I didn't comment on President Reagan and Ray Charles dying. They were both good men and they both should be respected. R.I.P.