I almost forgot I had this thing to update in

Oct 21, 2005 10:49

So I started work this week. Can I just say that even I don't have a memory that good? They throw information about 15 people and their behavior specific programs at you. And then! Then they throw you out on your own... after a week. Not the most fun I've had in my life. But so far I guess it's not too bad. I'm honestly unsure how long I'll want to stick with this, though. I thought it would be a fun/fulfilling experience but so far it's just... not. Maybe I'm not a compassionate person anymore. Who knows? Until I know I have something else secured though, I'll keep this job. Because I'm not going through the jobless phase again. That sucked ass.

Anyway, so I took the PIA training yesterday, which is basically their form of defending yourself while not injuring a challenged person. And, of course, in order to know when to utilize these moves you have to practice it. So I was all sorts of groped and grabbed and my hair and my clothes and my arms and yeah... I hurt. I can feel the bruising although I can't see it yet. At least I'm not the only one with injuries this time. heh.

I finally heard from Haleasha again. She met a new bf so naturally all of her other relationships got neglected. Which I think is bogus. Everybody else tells me to the contrary but whatever. I mean, I understand that yeah, you wanna spend a lot of time with that person when you click and stuff but is it really that hard to pick up a phone on occasion? No. I'm sorry. NO excuse is that good. Because if it had been something like her parent or dog had died or her daughter was sick, I would've been her FIRST call. But naturally I forgive because I'm a good friend. Doesn't mean she won't hear about it.

I suppose I should be nice though. Because she's apparently taking me and the roomie out for our respective birthdays. The roomies is Nov. 1st and mine is the 13th. Damn, a little over three weeks for me. Man, I'm getting old. It's crazy. At least I don't look my age. Hee. Anywho, so I guess we're going to Bob's Bar again. Which means I'll be coming back all durh and drunk again. Much to the amusement to all of my friends, I'm sure. ;)

I'm not sure what to think of the brother/sister situation right now. One minute my sister's like, "get out!" and then next they're being all buddy buddy in the living room like they actually like each other. WTF? I guess he's FINALLY got a downpayment on his own place so yeah. He should be out by next week at the very latest, from what I understand. I think that'll be a huge relief, to have him move out. Just because the fighting will stop. I hate fighting. I hate negativity. It makes me sad.

Speaking of sad, I'm feeling that way far too often lately. I think it's being in Iowa. I'm too close to the point of the accident. I know I need to get over that stuff but sometimes it just hits me harder than I want it to. I think I'm going to talk to the Dr. that Mid-Step provides. I think I don't have to pay anything to talk to him... or is it $5? Can't remember, but it's cheap. He can write prescriptions and I'm thinking I need to get him to write me one for my Prozac again. Because yes. I'm really sick of feeling shitty.

Um... I don't believe I have anything else to add right now. I'm sure I'll be back later.
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