Happy New Year's Day!!

Jan 01, 2006 21:35

Happy New Year's Day Everybody!!!!! Hmmm...everybody's updating this break except for me...so here's another ramble from Bean. For New Year's I went and stuffed myself (what's new?) then watched a DVD and didn't know it was the new year till I was text messaged at 12:01. Then me and my brother went out to play with his illegal fireworks...Could have sworn I heard the sirens in the background, but it was quite fun. They made a "WHOOP!" sound and emitted green, red, orange, blue sparks. Burned a black mark on the pool deck though. Mom got mad...

Then last night I had a dream about Costco. Yeah, that's right--Costco. Glutton to the end, neh? If I remember correctly--I tried to trick every sample stand into giving my seconds, hoping that they wouldn't recognize me. And then there was this one cookie stand where if you're able to count the number of chocolate chips in a jar, then that's how many cookies you get. I know it's impossible for Costco to do such a thing... but heck a person can hope, right? I woke up the next morning at 12:30, so that would make it noonish, and swore that it was no dream...but alas it was.

Then today I stuffed myself some more. Actually while typing this just finished some pieces of chocolate and am now baking an eggroll in the oven. Uhhh...what else have I done that is of significant value. Every fast-food joint known to mankind is closed on Christmas day EXCEPT for Filibertos...I know that from experience now...uhhhh what else...Haven't done anything productive as of late. I did mop the floor that was last week though...uhhhh...*scratches head*...Drank a glass of Merlot new year's eve...very fruity and sweet tasting. Ummm....*DING!* Oh will you look at that! My eggroll is ready! Guess I can't update anymore...TOODLES!
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