Bah Humbug!

Dec 27, 2005 22:45

Awwwww...everybody's listing what they got for Christmas that I got a sudden impulse to do that too! See? I can be holiday-ish too and not a total Scrooge...don't laugh! Let's see...what did Bean get?

-My first ever hair dryer! Yes, folks, for the first time every....I own my OWN hairdryer!!! Cool, neh? Some people can call it sad...but I can call it otherwise...=D it was a little complicated though...too many buttons...well there's only was still complicated...

-Coolio Soft Socks! Literally! It says "feels as if you're walking on clouds" ch-yeah man it does! I think I slept with them though....I don't think that's what you're supposed to do with socks but that's all right...but it was just so soft and cuddly that I slept with them...and I think I drooled on them too but that's beside the point....

And I think that's it...huh....*scratches head*...yeah....actually....that's it! Oh wow...I never thought about it...Hmmm....mines a pathetic list compared to your guys's....oopsie...but oh well... My Christmas tree is still up...does that count as a present? But yeah...that's really all that I got... But hey at least I got something. Hmmmm...just been lazy these past couple o' days...still trying to recuperate from the scarring nine weeks of I just sit my fat butt onto a couch...grab the remote and flip through every possible channel known to mankind whilst eating. Been waking up around noon time...could sleep more but nature calls and I have to eat lunch. =D A Bean has to eat!
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