sortinghat_rp information

Aug 28, 2011 17:32

Player Information
Name: Ketsu
Timezone: Pacific
Personal Journal: splitcomplex
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: Perceive Truth
HMD: Over here! Anon is on, IP logging is off.

Character Information
Name: Fletcher Tringham
Canon Origin/Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
School Year: First
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Willow, 10 inches, unicorn hair
Gender: Male (cisgender)
Age: 11
Out of school living location: Xenotime, a small made-up city in Norfolk County.
Blood status: Half-blood.

Personality:Fletcher is somewhat more shy and introverted than other boys his age. While it's certainly possible for him to get along with others and make friends, he's not going to open up to a new person right away. He's above-average in intelligence for his age, which also puts him at a disadvantage; he has little in common with other children his age, but he's not an adult so it's hard to make friends with older people, too. The person he's most comfortable around is his brother Russel, the one person who's always been there for him no matter what.

He's kind and gentle, but he's easily scared of things, and not the type to take risks. He's very intelligent for a child his age, with a high-school reading level. Despite that, he has low self-esteem; he knows that he is very book-smart, but he only accepts it because he has the test scores and high marks to prove it; even that doesn't stop him from second-guessing everything he does.

When it comes to street smarts, though, he's rather naive, having been sheltered by Russel for most of his life. Though he's shy around new people, he's also inherently trusting. He has trouble believing that anyone could be truly awful, though he's slowly coming to realize that it's possible after meeting a few shining examples of what's wrong with the human race. Still, he believes people are inherently good, so why would he have to worry about anyone doing anything bad? When he does get nervous, it's more often about whether or not he's measuring up. If something goes wrong somewhere, the first person Fletcher blames is always going to be himself.

Fletcher is always too eager to please others without thinking of himself; he's also kind of a doormat. He has opinions on plenty of things, but he doesn't like sharing them if there's a chance someone will disagree or be offended. On the flip side, this makes him easy to get along with. Once you get through his outer shell of shyness and doormattitude, he's a good friend who's always willing to offer a helping hand or a listening ear. He cares more about other people than himself. Foremost, of course, is Russel, who he cares for more than anything else in the world, but other people - friends and acquaintances and even perfect strangers - rank higher than Fletcher himself in his way of viewing things. It would take a truly horrible person to get Fletcher to rank his own safety or comfort over theirs, and even then he'd feel a little guilty.

Background (AU!Canon; HP):Fletcher Tringham was born in 2000, the second son of a wizard named Nash Tringham and his wife, a Muggle woman. Fletcher and his brother Russel, four years older than him, grew up happy as clams, living in a friendly neighborhood in London.

Fletcher always had trouble making friends, being quiet and introverted and preferring books to playing outside. When he did go outside, he spent much of his time in the garden with his mother. He grew up enjoying flowers, setting him apart from the other boys his age. Further setting him apart, when he was four, Fletcher was let in on the secret of his father being a wizard, and told that he and Russel would likely be wizards as well. While Russel was smug about this fact, Fletcher was more shy about it, feeling awkward about being "better" than his peers.

Shortly after Fletcher was told about his father's magic, Mrs. Tringham fell ill and died. Nobody ever learned the reason, but Nash became more withdrawn, barely spending any time with his children. In the meantime, Russel acted out more, becoming more mouthy and rowdy at school, and thanks to that, Fletcher wound up on the receiving end of bullying on the part of Russel's peers. One day, when a five-year-old Fletcher was cornered by a group of older boys, an accidental burst of precocious magic on Russel's part saved him... and threatened to expose them to everyone. Nash quickly packed the family up and moved them to a small country village called Xenotime, his hometown in the county of Norfolk. Although it was a Muggle town, Xenotime was much quieter, more laid back, and had fewer children Russel and Fletcher's ages, making things easier for them.

Shortly thereafter, Russel turned eleven and received his Hogwarts letter. A year later, when Fletcher was seven and Russel was twelve, Nash suddenly up and left home, leaving Russel and Fletcher in the care of his childhood friend Belshio, the only other person in Xenotime to know their secret. Fletcher was devastated, but he knew that, at least, he and Russel would always stick together. Though Russel sent letters and came home for Christmas and summer, Fletcher felt even lonelier than ever. Still, he kept his hopes up, sure that one day he would go to Hogwarts too, and in the meantime, Fletcher read up on everything magical that he could. Russel bought books for him in Diagon Alley and passed down his textbooks once he outgrew them.

Finally, when Fletcher was eleven, he also received his letter inviting him to Hogwarts. Thanks to Russel having gone there in years previous, Fletcher thought himself well-prepared... but at the same time, he was nervous. Still, he was sure that with Russel's help he'd be able to do his best.

How would your character fit in to each House?Gryffindor:
"Courageous" isn't exactly a word I would use to describe Fletcher on the whole, but he does have his moments. In his canon, he does eventually stand up to Russel and tell him that he disapproves of the research they're doing, but it takes some cajoling from Alphonse before that happens. In this AU, he hasn't had any life-changing events like that yet, and he certainly wouldn't consider himself a brave or strong person, but the potential is there.

Above all else, Fletcher is unwaveringly loyal to his brother, and to anyone he befriends. He values friendship and trust above all else; betraying another person is a thought that would literally never cross his mind. He doesn't give up when he sets his mind to something, and if he sees someone being treated unfairly he gets upset. Altogether, hard work, trust, and loyalty are the most important things to Fletcher.

Fletcher is very smart for his age, and it's all booksmarts. Whenever he has a free moment, he can be found huddled up somewhere with a book. He's been reading big books since he first learned how to read. But when it comes to wit, he's sadly lacking, and he's often imperceptive of things around him to a fault.

Fletcher is ambitious in that when he has a goal, he'll do his best to reach it, but he's not all that cunning, lacking in resourcefulness, and flounders about if he's put into a leadership position. He's generally too shy and unsure of himself to initiate things on his own, and even when working with others he constantly has to stop and ask them if they think option A or option B is better.

!ooc, !app

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