Bicornate Uterus or Septate Uterus: Which do I have ?

Apr 24, 2004 23:32

After going 146 days without my period last Spring, and no + + + on a home pg test, I finally had an ultrasound done. On July 4, 2003 I was diagnosed with what they called a Bicornate Uterus. Basically my uterus is"heart shaped". Now that make sound cute, but basically I have some tissue like material dividing my septum in 2. Think of your nose.... is the best way I can describe it. If it is a Bicornate uterus, "they"say that it doesn't hinder one from becoming pregnant, but it does increase the risk of miscarriage and preterm labour as the baby has less room to grow. Many women don't even know they have such a uterus unless they have a ultrasound done. The technician also told me that my uterus is retroverted(aka backwards). How charming a split uterus that is tilted backwards... now how the heck can I get pg? If my uterus is septated then I can undergo surgery and have them remove the dividing tissue. Such surgery is major and requires a hospital stay. The surgery freaks me out. Like I will really be in the mood to try and concieve after having surgery such as that.
I finally got into see an RE( reproductive endocrinologist)this month ( April 7th). He wanted to do a HSG test. This test involves shooting dye ( iodine) into your uterus to check if your fallopian tubes are blocked. Guess what!!! I am HIGHLY allergic to shellfish, which iodine comes from. So they will have to inject something else into my uterus like a saline solution.... thing is they can see the dye(iodine) spilling into my fallopian tubes, but how are they going to see a saline solution? This procedure is fairly routine ( the iodine part), and one may experience cramping, some severe pain ( if the tubes are blocked), and some are 100% fine. I have been reading up on this procedure as I knew that would be in store for me after 13 months of trying to get pg. I am mentally prepared for the test. I just pray that my tubes are clear. I think this test will take place early June.... right before Rick's b day. It is said that after a HSG test ( the iodine one), people often concieve... as the pressure of the dye forces the tubes open, which allows the egg to drop.... and hence get fertilized by the sperm.

Now with my uterus, imagine Miss Egg coming down the right tube, while Mr. Spermies all swim to the left....with that dividing wall.... they will never meet....
Why does this have to happen to me?
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