Oct 11, 2005 03:44

October 11, 2005:

I am 14 DPO( Days Past Ovulation)today. This is the longest I have gone without my period showing up for awhile. I decided to take a test just minutes before I went to pick up my DH. I layed the test on the counter and "finished up". By the time I glanced back down, I saw 2 dark lines on the First Response Pg Test. I was in shock, all day when I went to the washroom I was praying that I didn't see any blood. I called my RE( Reproductive Endocrinologist)Office to get a requistion form for blood work. The receptionist was soooo happy for me. I told her that I would pick up the form in the afternoon tommorrow.
I wanted to see a + blood test before I told DH. It was really hard not to tell him, as we have been struggling with infertility for 3 years, and this is the first + + + I had ever gotten. I now had to start thinking about how I was going to tell him. I had thought about this on and off for the last few years, but when the time comes..... you get thrown for a loop. From my quick calculation I was estimated to be due Sunday June 18,2006. What an awesome Fathers Day gift/late B day gift for my husband.
With my Bicornate Uterus ( split dividing my uterus), I am a HIGH RISK pregnancy, miscarriage rates are high due to the lack of room in the uterus. I know I will wait to announce this pregnancy till after the 12th week. DH, on the other hand will probably tell everyone he meets. If I calculate this pregnancy correctly, I should be past my 12th week around the 2nd week in December..... so we can tell everyone at Christmas !!
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