(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 21:47

So at the moment, little sister=very large bitchy brat. We just had our very first shouting match of the year, one that I'm hoping will not be the start of many, seeing as we won't even be in the same country for a month. Argh. She makes me so angry. Feels like I should go downstairs and watch some CSI on DVD. Ahhh, good old CSI. There's possibly a new one on Thursday, which makes me happy. New CSI is always good.
My sister and mom leave for Port Alberny on a band trip next tuesday. Which is good, because there can be no fighting if we are not in the same province. They'll have a good time, as long as Little Sister learns to smarten up.
26 more days until England! Woot Woot! I don't know if I'll be able to take 3 weeks of just Ashley though. We went for coffee yesterday, and it was just a little annoying, she really does only have 3 topics of conversation.
subcategories:1 Hockey players she wants to sleep with
2 Puckbunnies(who have/want to sleep with the same hockeyplayers she does)

2:EST(rexall event security. She also wanted to sleep with most of them at one time or another)

3:Erik(member of said EST team that she hates(not really) and wishes never to see again(not really) but still wants to sleep with(really) and talks non-stop about whenever she is not talking about numbers 1 or 2(really))
So it will be interesting. But, it will be England, so who's complaining? Not me.
Well, off to the world of CSI on DVD, so Ciao!

csi, england

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