Dec 26, 2007 22:52
OMG, one of my contact is down the drain again!!!!!!!
This time it's truly stupid! OMG! In chronological order:
1. Took off left contact lens.
2. Put left lens in basket/case.
3. Took off right lens.
4. Attempted to put right lens in basket/case.
5. Right lens fell out of basket/case into the vial.
6. Shrugged off and said: Eh, I gotta go anyway, I'll dig it out when I wash my lenses.
7. 5 hours later, rinsed out lens vial w/o remembering that the stupid fucking right lens was still NOT in the basket safe and sound but was at the bottom of the vial and was being rinsed off!
8. Slammed head onto desk for being utterly STUPID.
9. Eh, need new prescription anyway and am overdue for an appointment at the optometrist.
10. Will make appointment with optometrist tomorrow.
11. Good thing glasses are still in possession...