Supernatural Primer

Dec 09, 2009 10:36

SPN Primer (or, what episodes you have to watch to know important things in the Supernatural series)
for lassiterfics

Code: if it's indented in, it's good because of character developments rather than plot developments. The numbers at the end are ratings of how important they are to watch.

Warning: Contains like three trillion spoilers, though I tried to avoid major plot developments post-Season 1, and tried to avoid telling exactly what happens in the episode.

Season 1
So, Season 1 is really really important in terms of character development, plot setups, and just general everything starting and showing the beginning psychosis of these crazy, crazy people. Which is why there are a lot of episodes up for it. :P

Pilot (1.01): set-up of the entire plot basis, and the beginning of the family dynamics. 10
Phantom Traveler (1.04): not really important, but is the first entrance of demons into the show's mythology. also? Dean is scared of airplanes. 4
Skin (1.06): aside from being the episode that spawned three trillion Sam/Dean fics, this is the one where a shapeshifter begins to download Dean's memories and gets into Dean's psyche with Sam. It's the beginning of us realizing that Dean is screwed up. 6Home (1.09): Establishing what both Sam and Dean remember and feel about their mother's death, digs further into Dean's issues, both with his father and with his past, and also introducing Sam's nightmares, which become really really important later on. 9

Asylum (1.10): Digs into the family psychosis further, including Sam's anger at Dean for always following their father and his buried resentment. 7
Faith (1.12); This is really important to watch. Really important character development for Sam and Dean, and sets into motion various character/plot themes that will follow them through the entire show. 9Nightmare (1.14): further development of Sam's nightmares, which are important to know about. also lots of important brotherly bonding and stuff, as well as the beginning of the "psychic kids" storyline (which bears fruit in Season 2). 9
Shadow (1.16): We meet John! We also find out that there is something really really bad going on, and that there are demons behind it, and that it's linked to whoever killed their mom. 9
Hell House (1.17): This is only on the list because, while the plot is kind of silly, and the Ghost Hunters are either considered hilarious or stupid, the prank war between Sam and Dean is hilarious and the sibling dynamics are wonderful. 4
Something Wicked (1.18); Backstory on their childhood. Which, uh. Sucked. 7
Dead Man's Blood, Salvation, Devil's Trap (1.20, 1.21, 1.22): The plotty, long, ending the season more or less three-parter with a less important first part. Introducing: the Colt, the yellow-eyed Demon (thoroughly). demons as a big big problem, vampires (cut their heads off!), and also John more thoroughly. 10

Season 2
Season 2 is also completely and totally fabulous, and as a result has way too many must-watch episodes. I probably struggled with these ones the most.

In My Time of Dying (2.01): This episode is a must-watch for anyone who finishes Season 1. It was fantastic. 10.
Everybody Loves A Clown (2.02): In which we discover that Dean's issues just got worse. Much worse. Plot-wise unimportant, but the character development is quite good, though only shown in a few parts. 5
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things (2.04): Dean character development re: daddy issues, installment 2. Also? Has zombies. The score went up like three points for that, just so you know. 8
Simon Said (2.05): Great brother interaction, a lot of plot development for the psychic kids. Good Sam character development. 9Crossroad Blues (2.08): Important for thematic/foreshadowing reasons, as well as delving into Dean's issues with what his father did for him. 7
Croatoan (2.09): Okay, I'm pretty sure fandom holds mixed opinions on this episode? Personally, it's one of my favorites. It does have good character development, as far as I can tell, begins to explore Dean's practically suicidal mindset, as well as introducing important plot points for later. So it is important to watch. 8
Hunted (2.10): Gordon from Bloodlust (2.03) returns, convinced that Sam's psychic abilities make him unhuman and require him to be killed. More psychic kids development, good Sam character development, and Dean's big brother issues. 8
Born Under A Bad Sign (2.14): Sam goes missing for a week. When he finally calls Dean, he is covered in blood and doesn't remember anything. What results is completely awesome, at least in my opinion (I think most other people's too? I dunno. I'm not that involved in SPN fandom). 9
Heart (2.17): A really good Sam episode. The plot isn't myth-arc centered, but is still really good, and - just, oh, man. 7
What Is And What Should Never Be (2.20): Um. Basically. Oh, Dean, baby. 7
All Hell Breaks Loose, Parts 1 & 2 (2.21, 2.22); The title says it all, guys. I'm not even kidding. Important for a lot of plot and character related reasons, involving Sam and Dean and the entire world. Resolution, more or less, of the psychic kids plotline, switching it to Sam-the-psychic-winner in the next season.

Season 3
Due to the writer's strike and various other reasons, Season 3 is generally considered the worst season. Also, keep in mind that it is also one of the worst feminist-wise. So, there are several episodes on here that are mostly there because I liked them rather than that they're important to watch. Hence the low ratings for most of them.

The Magnificent Seven (3.01): Not a good story plotline-wise, but it does show you the mysterious blonde woman, set up that opening the Devil's Gate had bad consequences, and some other things character and plot wise. *shrugs* 6
Bad Day At Black Rock (3.03): Fandom collectively seems to hate Bela Talbot. I liked her, but odds are most people reading this won't. The main reason this episode is on here is because: you guys, rabbit's foot. a cursed rabbit's foot! Sam becomes ridiculously clumsy! it's kind of adorable. So yeah. 3
Fresh Blood (3.07); Gordon returns. I can't explain why this is so awesome, but it is. 6
A Very Supernatural Christmas (3.08): Probably the best Season 3 episode, and it's really, really good. 9
Dream A Little Dream of Me (3.10): We finally get some insight as to whether or not Dean is actually so blase about going to hell. 7
Mystery Spot (3.11): This sets up something that gets a lot of time in Season 4, and is insanely mood swinging. Really good. 8
Jus In Bello (3.12): This episode is kind of awesome, for reasons including plot development, character awesomeness, and also a jail under siege by demons. 9
No Rest For The Wicked (3.16): Season finale. The first about half of the episode wasn't that great, but the rest of it was done really well. 9
Season 4
Season 4 is, uh, kind of ridiculously awesome. I'll try to narrow it down, but that might be difficult.

Lucifer Rising (4.01): Sets the stage for everything that happens in Season 4, including the entrance of one Castiel. 10
In The Beginning (4.03): also known as What Is And What Should Never Be Part 2. Dean goes back in time and finds out that he's in his hometown with his not-yet married parents. Things... don't get better, but it's important to watch. We finally find out what exactly went down all those years ago and why his mother died. 9
Metamorphosis(4.04): A fantastic Sam development episode, with some explaining of what's been going on with him. 9
It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (4.07): We find out more about the angels, their attitude, meet Uriel, get more Sam development, and at the end a very interesting question from Uriel for Sam. 9
Wishful Thinking (4.08): Important for character development for Dean and realizing how frustrated Sam is with being pushed out of his brother's thoughts. 8
I Know What You Did Last Summer, Heaven and Hell (4.09, 4.10): Both jam-packed with revelations from both Sam and Dean about their four months apart, and other things too. The first half is fantastic - the second episode isn't quite as good, but still has some important things happening. 9
Family Remains (4.11): This is important only for a short snippet at the end of it, with the last of Dean's remembrances from hell. The rest of the episode is unremarkable. 4
Death Takes A Holiday (4.15): Plot wise and a little bit of character wise for Dean, who is forced to remember everything that happened in 2.01, which he had afterwards forgotten. 7On The Head Of A Pin (4.16): Really, really good. Plot development, the last of hell-revelations, Castiel being ridiculously awesome, etc. 10
The Monster At The End of This Book (4.18): Introducing the Supernatural Series and Carver Edlund, who will both play important roles. Also, angels, Castiel being sneaky, and Sam getting desperate. 8
The Rapture (4.20): Castiel development! Uh. Okay, so, a lot of people said this was weak and boring, and I didn't really enjoy the flashbacks even with Misha Collins in them, which is saying something, but the present parts I did enjoy, and there's some nice insight into Castiel and how he's kind of terrifying. 6
When The Levee Breaks (4.21): Important plot developments, culmination of the entire season of fighting between the brothers, Sam's addiction shown at full force. 8Lucifer Rising (4.22): Ridiculously fantastic. 10

Season 5
There's only 10 episodes in Season 5, and at this point they're pretty much all important. If you're still in a hurry at this point, I would say the ones that have to be watched are;

Sympathy for the Devil (5.01), Free To Be You And Me (5.03), The End (5.04), Changing Channels (5.08), and Abandon All Hope (5.10).

Enjoy! Watch SPN! And by the way, when you have time? You should totally watch all the other episodes. Any comments about episodes I missed that are important, or episodes that really don't need to be on the list are welcome.

(on a completely different note, come on, LJ notifications! I'm only now getting comment notifications from yesterday. Plus? 46 emails in my inbox this morning, almost all of them notifications of my f-list/me receiving snowflakes. That.. was a bit of a shock.)

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