Eros (9/?)

Mar 26, 2011 00:56


As soon as onew left Amber’s house he ran, he ran as fast as he could. His heart was pounding in his chest and sweat was pouring down his face. After a while his lungs were screaming at him, and his muscles were burning but he knew that if he didn’t do this now he would never have the courage again.

Onew had done a lot of thinking, about key and his father and luna. He had thought about how easy his life could be if he just married luna. He could have a bunch of kids, and make his father happy. But as soon as Onew imagined that life, Key popped up in his mind and all other thoughts were banished from his brain. He couldn’t be happy without Key, he’d grow old and miserable and lonely.

Onew saw the familiar house of his parents down the road and slowed his run. He walked up to the front door and swiftly swung it open.

“Father, I need to talk to you.” Onew called out, and his father walked out of the courtyard and into the front hall, a confused look on his face.

“Onew? What is it? Have you been running?” His father said as he walked towards his son. Onew shook his head and stepped away from his Father. He needed to say this quickly or he wouldn’t be able to. Already, his father’s worried face was shaking his resolve.

“No Father, listen…I refuse to marry Luna.”

His father’s face dropped and he frowned but he quickly recovered and smiled.

“Oh son, just a little jitters over the wedding? It’s fine…we all go throu-“

“NO…father, I will NOT marry Luna. I cannot always do what you want, just to make you happy. I am in love with Key and he’s the only person that I want to be with. I’m sorry that he’s not your choice, but this time, I will not sacrifice my happiness for yours.” With that Onew bowed to his father, and quietly left the house.


“Taemin…where do you think Onew went?” Key asked his cousin. Key, Taemin, and Minho were walking to Key and Taemin’s house to wait for Onew. Taemin grabbed his cousin’s hand and linked their fingers with a squeeze.

“He went to fix this.” He said simply, and they walked in silence until they arrived. Key didn’t know what to feel, he was glad that Onew would fight for them, but he knew that it would be a challenge. He looked at his cousin and minho. Taemin was sitting on the kitchen table and Minho was playing with the younger one’s hair.

Key sighed deeply, his problems were getting in the way of his cousins newfound relationship. He felt horrible, and decided to leave the new lovers alone for a while.

“Tae, I’m going to sleep…Goodnight” Key called out before walking up the stairs to their bedroom.

Taemin yelled goodnight after Key and got up from the kitchen table. He was suddenly aware of the fact he was alone with Minho. His heart started beating faster.

“Taemin, come here” Minho called from another room. Taemin’s heart jumped and he carefully stood and walked to see Minho sitting on a couch. Minho motioned for Taemin to sit next to him and the young boy complied, awkwardly sitting as far away on the couch as he could. Minho grabbed Taemin’s elbow and pulled him close wrapping his arms around his thin waist and squeezing. He nuzzled his face into taemin’s pale neck and shifted so Taemin could sit in his lap facing him. After a few seconds Taemin closed his eyes and returned the hug.

His eyes opened in shock when he felt something wet on his neck, and he realized Minho was crying. They stayed like that for what seemed like forever, and slowly the stream of tears stopped. Minho’s breathing evened out and he loosened his grip around Taemin’s waist so that he could face him.

His eyes were red and Taemin’s heart hurt at the sight, without thinking he leaned in and placed a kiss on each of Minho’s eyelids. When he pulled back Minho was smiling at him. Taemin smiled back and brushed at the hair on Minho’s forehead that was slightly matted.

“Taemin, listen. You’re young and you probably didn’t realize this, and no matter how much I want to keep you ignorant to this, it’s part of my job as your erastes to teach you. My father is a kind man, and onew and I love him. But he is stubborn, incredibly stubborn. If he allows Onew to back out of the marriage that means that he is putting all of his faith in me.”

Minho stopped, and searched Taemin’s eyes to see if he understood. Taemin simply blinked back at him. Minho leaned forward, kissing Taemin sweetly on the lips and backing away.

“It means, that if Onew is allowed to stay with Key then I will have to take his spot. I will have to get married.” Minho said slowly, his heart dropped when he saw Taemin’s reaction. Tears welled in Taemin’s eyes, and his chest started to heave with the beginnings of sobs. He pushed off of Minho’s lap and scooted back to the edge of the couch shaking his head. Tears were sliding down his cheeks and drops landed on the red fabric of the couch.

“Tae…please…” Minho begged, reaching out to place his hand on taemin’s cheek. The crying boy flinched away from the touch and pulled his knees into his chest. Minho pulled his hand back quickly and held it to his chest. Minho closed his eyes and listened to the quiet sobs of his love, until they slowed and quieted. The pain in his chest worsening with every whimper.

He flinched a little when he felt arms push him down onto the couch and grip at his robes. Taemin laid on top of Minho settling his head on the older man’s broad chest and setting his hips in-between his legs. They really did fit together like puzzle pieces.

“Minho…don’t worry, we can do it” Taemin whispered into his lover’s neck. Minho was shocked at Taemin’s sudden change of outlook, but he simply trailed his fingers through taemin’s silky locks, and hummed in agreement.

“Ne, we can.” Somehow minho added in his head.

(A.N.- hm, so another chapter. I tried to make it longer...and just to clarify Onew is just refusing his father's wishes, and Minho and Onew's father really wants to see a son get married and have children like a normal "young man of athens" so Minho figures that if Onew is not going to be the son who does that, then their father will make Minho fulfill that ideal. So if onkey couple is saved, 2min couple is doomed. makes sense? I hope so...)

fanfic: eros, 2min, onkey

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