Mar 21, 2004 20:07
First job: KFC
First screen name: mxpxgoogoo
First funeral: Grandpa
First pet: Susie my cat
First piercing/tattoo: my tongue and my lotus
First credit card: visa
First Kiss: Brian
First love: John Wessner
First enemy: Sam Matt
First concert: brothers keeper and bane or was it madball? i dont remember
First musician you remember hearing in your house: i have no idea
Last car ride: coming back from Alto Cinco with Tommy
Last book read: i dont remember
Last movie watched: My Boss's Daughter
Last beverage drank: CHERRY kool aid
Last food consumed: Vegan Burrito from alto cinco
Last phone call: called Chubby last night...
Last time showered: today
Last CD played: On Broken Wings
Last annoyance: i dont want to talk about it
Last time scolded: todaymabye?
Last shirt worn: my Himsa shirt
Last website visited:
1. What is your full Name: amanda jean alice keown
2. What are you listening to right now: Bright Eyes
3. What was the last thing you ate: burrito
4. If you were a crayon what color would you be: gre
5. How is the weather right now: cold as fuck
6. Last person you talked to on the phone. Chubby
7. Your favorite TV show: SOPRANOS
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you: no one sent it.. i stole it from Tommy
9. How are you today? miserable
10.Favorite drink: anything cherry
11. Favorite alcoholic drink: dont drink
12. Favorite sports to watch: equestrian
13. Hair color: black
14. Eye color: grey blue
15. Do you wear contacts: no
16. Siblings: ally- younger sister
17. Favorite month: august/september
18. Favorite food: syrajuice vegan chicken wraps
19. Last movie you watched: my boss's daughter
20. Favorite day of the year: whenever a good band plays syracuse, and that is about one a year...
21. What time did you go to bed last night? 6:36am.. i remember looking at the clock
22. Summer or winter: winter
23. Hugs or kisses: hugs
24. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, cause its hard to find good vegan chocolate
25. Do you want your friends to write back: ? i guess?
26. Who is most likely to respond: Chris
27. Who is least likely: Jimmy
28. What's under your bed: nothing
29. What books are you reading: nothing at the moment
31. Favorite board game: monopoly...i own that game
32. What did you do last night: hung out..
33. Favorite thing to do to pass time: listen to music
34. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: nope
35. What inspires you: people
36. Plain or salted popcorn:plain
37. Favorite flower: bleeding heart
38. What I have to do to prepare for my day: wake up?