Title: Rising Creatures of the East 5/???
Rating: Chapters will range from PG - NC-17
Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu, Yunho/Jaejoong (other pairings of other characters as well
Disclaimer: If they were mine, I'd tie them to the wall and use their skin as my paper. Can you imagine? Writing fanfics on Jaejoong's abs???
Warnings: AU, Fantasy
Summary: What do you get when you cross an elf, a vampire, a faerie, a zombie and a werewolf? A singing goup? No way!
A/N: This fic will contain members of other groups like Super Junior, Arashi, NEWS and other K-Pop, J-Rock bands. This fic also contains members from OneTVXQ forums.
This is a creature fic. The DBSK boys are
Jaejoong - Faerie
Yunho - Werewolf
Yoochun - Vampire
Junsu - Elf
Changmin - Zombie
This fic is solely for fun. No offense is meant to DBSK or their fans.
Chapter 5:
Yunho entered the blessedly quiet apartment at about seven the next morning. He sniffed, and then cringed when all other smells were overshadowed by the scent of cat still lingering on his clothes. Still, he picked out all four of his roommates, though Yoochun and Junsu’s were a bit mixed together.
Curious, he walked down the hall. They were in Yoochun’s room, both sleeping. He smelled fading adrenaline and … blood? No, not blood. It was sweeter than blood, but he couldn’t place it.
He showered and washed twice. Athena was an amazing girl, but he really, really didn’t like smelling like a cat. After sliding on sweatpants, he went to the kitchen and started coffee. The faerie, looking amazing as always, came in only moments later.
The werewolf looked good in the morning, Jae decided. He took care of his body anyway. Jae admired the muscles down his back and then on his side when he turned. Yunho’s muscles might have been better than his.
Nope. Nothing a werewolf had could ever be better than a faerie. Despite thinking that, Jae still admired the wolf and his obvious dedication to staying healthy.
“So, puppy, how loud does she meow?” he asked as a greeting.
“I don’t care if you insult me,” Yunho said with a growl, “but leave her alone.”
Yunho took his coffee to the living room. There was a manila envelope on the coffee table. He reached for it, but stopped when Jae suddenly straddled his lap. Yunho suppressed the urge to throw him across the room and raised his eyebrows instead.
“You really don’t think I’m beautiful?”
Yunho scoffed. “I never said that. You are, but you’re also vain, arrogant and an utter bastard.”
He grabbed Jae around the middle and tossed him to the other side of the couch.
Jae flopped and then stretched his legs over Yunho’s lap. “Just as long as you admit that I’m beautiful.”
Yunho ripped into the envelope. It was from the company. A letter saying how excited they were to launch this group and how hard he hoped everyone would work. He handed the letter to Jae. There was a training schedule; a lot of activities were planned at dawn and dusk and at night. Fucking vampire.
The next paper made him spit out his coffee all over Jae’s feet.
Jae made a noise of displeasure and waved a hand and the coffee was gone.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“What?” Jae asked and accepted the papers that Yunho threw at him in disgust.
He read two lines and shouted, “What the fuck is this shit?”
Yunho stood up, stalked down the hall and pounded on Yoochun’s door. “Both of you get up and get your asses to the living room right now. We have a problem.”
He was about to pound on Changmin’s door, too when Changmin said. “I’m coming, hyung.”
When Changmin came into the living room, Yunho’s eyes went wide. The young dead man was in a bathrobe, one arm wrapped in a bandage.
“What the hell happened to you?”
“Fangirls,” Changmin whispered and shuddered. He curled up on his chair and looked out the window.
Yunho turned to Jae for an explanation.
Jae laughed. “He had to go out by himself yesterday, and the fangirls cornered him and tore him apart. It was pretty funny.”
“It wouldn’t have been so bad if you hadn’t yelled at me from the window,” Changmin muttered.
Yunho glared at Jae. “So you made it worse? We’re supposed to be a team and help each other.”
“A team? Whatever. You guys aren’t worthy enough to be on my team.”
“From now on, Changmin goes no where alone. You understand, and if I find out that you could have gone with him, but left him to the wolves-”
Changmin shuddered.
“Sorry. Bad use of words.”
“Accurate,” Changmin said. “Scavengers, hunters, sneaky little things.”
“You were threatening me?” Jae said.
“Just take care of him, okay? That’s what we’re supposed to do as his hyungs.”
Jae rolled his eyes. “Whatever, puppy.”
In the bedroom, the elf rolled over. Or tried, there was, quite literally, a deadweight laying half on top of him. He didn’t really care. He placed a kiss on Yoochun’s shoulder and then shoved him away.
Yoochun groaned and mumbled something.
“You okay?” Junsu asked.
“I can’t tell,” he muttered.
“What do you mean?”
“My heart’s racing, I feel like I’m going to throw up, I can barely move and it’s the greatest feeling in the whole world.”
Junsu giggled. “Vampire hangover?”
“You might say that.”
“Well, the best cure for an alcoholic hangover is more alcohol.”
Yoochun opened one eye and stared at him in amazement. “Have I told you you’re crazy?”
“I think you may have mentioned that.”
“What gives, Mr. Creator of Life?”
“Shouldn’t you have asked me that before you dug your fangs into me?”
“Yeah, well, I was a bit distracted last night.”
Junsu smirked. “The first day here, I saw your fangs and just had a passing thought of what it’d feel like and well, the passing thought turned to an obsession.”
“And what does it feel like?” Yoochun touched light finger tips to the two red dots at Junsu’s hip.
Junsu shivered. “Better than I thought.”
“Yo vampire! Elf!” Jaejoong shouted. “Get some fucking clothes on and get out here!”
Yoochun winced.
“Just stay here. I’ll go see what’s up,” Junsu sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. He saw the remains of his pants, vaguely remembered Yoochun tearing them off. “Fucker. That was my favorite pair of jeans.”
“Sorry sorry.” A hand caressed his back.
Junsu stood up before he listened to his body and just stayed in bed. He pulled on a pair of Yoochun’s sweat pants and looked in the mirror. A couple centimeters lower and the bite would have shown.
“Don’t you have healing powers?” Yoochun asked.
“Yes, but why would I want to heal it?”
Yoochun laughed, but then groaned and buried his head under a pillow. Junsu left the room, and walked into the living room.
“Where’s Yoochun?” Yunho demanded.
“Recovering,” Junsu replied with a smirk.
Jae made a face. “You’re sick, Junsu-shi.”
“You’re jealous,” Junsu replied.
“Oh … god … ” Jae said. “Images. Bad bad bad.”
“Shut up,” Yunho said. “We have a problem. Read this and then go and get him.”
Junsu read the letter. “Fuck. Close those curtains would you, Jae?”
“But the lighting is perfect.”
“For a vampire barbecue,” Junsu shot back. “Close them.” He went back to the room.
“It’s serious.”
Yoochun sighed and stood up. He swayed, and Junsu settled a hand at his hip. Yoochun’s pants hadn’t come off, but there was blood on them. Probably from curling up with Junsu afterwards. He changed into sweatpants. The hallway was bright, the living room brighter. All the faces that looked at him were grim.
Yunho noted the flush to the usual pale skin. And that scent of sweetness was back. He couldn’t figure it out. Both of them were acting like they’d been thoroughly fucked, but neither smelled like sex. What was that tangy flavor in the air?
Junsu’s tree had grown, branches spreading all through the ceiling. Yoochun moved to the corner where the shadows were darkest.
Yunho handed him the papers. There was a lyric sheet and then music for each one of their voices. The title of the song was “We Can Work It Out.”
“What the fuck is this?” Yoochun demanded. “ ‘We’re different, but the same. Teamwork is all we need. We’re like a family’?”
“Our first single,” Yunho said.
“No way,” Yoochun said. “I’m not singing this shit. It sounds like it was written by a delusional incompetent jack ass.”
“So a faerie,” Junsu said.
Jaejoong flicked his fingers at him. It felt like cold water washed over him. Junsu snarled, flicked his fingers and actual cold water drenched Jae.
Jae stood with a cry, arm extended. Little bits of silvery light danced at his finger tips.
“That’s enough!” Yunho shouted. And it reverberated through the room. “Just dry yourself off, Jae. We’re supposed to be a team.”
“Like this?” Yoochun said, brandishing the papers at him. “What kind of crap is this?”
“So seeing past our differences and becoming friends is crap?” Junsu asked.
Yoochun looked at him, and then he sighed.
“Aw, the vampire has feelings,” Jae said. “How cute.”
“Fuck you, you little pixie,” Yoochun said.
Silver sparked at Jae’s fingers again.
Yunho covered Jae’s fingers, yelped a bit when they shocked him, and then glared at Jae.
Jae smirked. “Serves you right.”
“What I’m saying,” Yoochun said, “is that there’s no way we can sing this. Music is based on emotions, not on words written on a page. We could record this, and not one fucking person in the world would believe that we-” He looked at the page and read “-‘sit up at night and share our stories to get to know our new friends.’ It’s bullshit and everyone is going to know it.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be writing our music?” Jae demanded.
“Yeah, and I’m sure they wanted me to come up with some bullshit like this but I can’t. All I can do is write about what Junsu’s blood might taste like, how much I want to rip the werewolf’s throat out, how disgusting Changmin is, and whether or not the pixie likes to top or bottom.”
Again Yunho had to grab Jae’s hand. The stream of light aimed at Yoochun went wide and shattered a picture on the wall.
“Fix it,” Yunho demanded.
Jae pouted but did as he was told. “I wouldn’t have broken the picture if you hadn’t moved my arm.”
“You wouldn’t have barbecued Yoochun.”
A smirk played on his lips again. “So?”
“Jaejoong,” Yunho said and growled a bit.
Jae did not shiver, okay, so maybe he did a little bit. He crossed his arms.
“This is what I’m talking about,” Yoochun said. “The faerie just tried to kill me, and I’m supposed to write something nice about him?”
“No,” Yunho said. “You should write the truth. I’d rather sing that than this shit.”
After a moment of shock, Yoochun asked, “What do you mean?”
“If they want a song about us trying to get along, then we’ll do it our way. Write about what you just said.”
“Make sure you put in the line ‘who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?’” Jae said.
Yunho glared at him. “And that Jae isn’t as perfect at he thinks he is.”
“Little puppy.”
“Bottom pixie.”
Junsu added, “And the vampire wants to suck our blood.”
“Just yours,” Jae said.
Words started flowing through Yoochun’s mind. He turned the papers around and tried to find a pencil. No place to put one when all you’re wearing is sweats.
“Here.” Yunho tossed him a pen.
“I need a pencil,” he said but turned around and started writing, papers against the wall.
Junsu went to his room and grabbed a pencil from the desk. Everything was quiet as Yoochun scribbled.
Junsu suddenly realized that Changmin hadn’t said a word. “You okay, Changmin?”
He jolted at the sudden attention, and then curled in on himself. “Yeah.”
“Liar,” Junsu said. He got up, kneeled by him and put a hand on his arm. Well, on the cloth covering his arm.
“What’s your problem?” Jae demanded. “You’re always so emo. You have fans and admirers. What more do you want?”
Junsu shot him a look, and then looked back at Changmin. “Tell me.”
“You’ll laugh.”
“No, I won’t.”
“He’ll laugh.”
“Well, you’re not telling him, you’re telling me.”
Changmin looked away, but in the quietest voice said, “You guys don’t really want me here.”
“None of us want to be here,” Jae said quickly.
“I do,” Yunho said.
Even Yoochun looked over at him in surprise.
“This was the only chance I had to keep dancing and singing. If it wasn’t for this group, they were going to kick me out of SM.”
“But I’m disgusting,” Changmin whined.
“You’re a zombie. Comes with the calling.”
“And we all have disgusting-ness,” Junsu added.
“Speak for yourself,” Jae muttered.
“Trust me, pixie,” Yunho said. “Your arrogance is disgusting.”
“What about you, Junsu?” Changmin asked.
“His fascination with vampires,” Jae muttered.
Junsu flipped him off, tossing a bunch of soil with the motion. It hit Jae in the face and he coughed.
“Next time it will be fertilizer,” Junsu said.
“Fertilizer?” Changmin said.
“Can I tell you an elf secret, Changmin?” Junsu said, fully aware that they were all listening. “Yoochun needs blood to survive, right? You need meat and food constantly. I think Jae would die if he didn’t get at least ten compliments at day. And Yunho has to go furry once a month and hunt. Me? Well, I went to the preserve last night and had a fertilizer bath.”
Yoochun’s pencil clattered to the floor.
“Not so tasty now, is he, Fangs?” Jae asked between laughter.
Junsu didn’t look away from Changmin. “It’s what I need to be able to do my magic. It comes from being a creature of nature. Things grow better with natural fertilizer. I don’t need to do it often though, but once or twice a month I voluntarily climb into a tub full of shit and soak for hours.”
“That is pretty gross,” Changmin said with a smile.
“You were put in this group for a reason,” Junsu said, “and I’ve heard you sing. You’re really good.”
“Done,” Yoochun said and crossed the room. “Yunho call SM, tell them we want a meeting tonight after dark to discuss this. I’m going to go write some music for this. Polish it up.”
Junsu watched him, stared a bit too long at how those sweats just barely covered his ass. Thought just a bit too long about the bite at his hip that stung whenever the cloth rubbed against it.
“Junsu,” Yunho said.
Junsu looked over at him.
“As the leader, I think I should know if you two are doing anything illegal.”
Junsu kept his face blank. “I didn’t realize that being attracted to men was a crime.”
Yunho sighed. “Just don’t get caught, alright?”
Chapter 6:
He’s our leader. He speaks for us." Chapter 4:
Do you know what I want now?Chapter 3:
Jae waited for the three of them to swoon or something.Chapter 2:
Try not to touch me unless I allow it and I know your hands are clean.Chapter 1:
I swear if you three don’t shut up, I’m going to go vampire lord on all of your asses!”.