ATTF: Black Widow and/or Hawkeye -- Soon to be a Major Motion Picture!

Feb 21, 2014 08:35

You've heard the rumours, including right here in this lovely bar.  Clicked on and squeed over the articles:  Rumours of a Black Widow solo film!  And ... will there be Hawkeye movie, too?

Now's the time to stop drooling or staring into faraway spaces, and to get busy!  Show Joss what he could do with such amazing, smoking hot material!  Here's your chance to sketch out a complete plot, a scene, or an "other Avenger" cameo for the movie(s) you've been pining for.  Hell, why be modest -- give us the whole arc, leading from CA2 to Age of Ultron and beyond, to BW1 and 2, or Hawkeye: The Ronin Years.  Make Hollywood pass the Bechdel test -- give us BW and Melinda May, being total ninjas as they hunt for the missing Captain Marvel.

I think you get the idea?  :-)  Here's hoping you're not prompted out from the Great Valentine Extravaganza!  And since we're not looking for complete scripts but story outlines (although little scenes would be nice, too...) the non-writers in this bar need not feel shy.  This is your chance for equal-opportunity-mayhem-on-the-hoof!

Oh, and if you think there's That Perfect Fic out there that would make a terrific movie script (be it back story or mission/adventure), why not give us a rec while you're at it?  Or your thinky thoughts about why a movie (or two) starring one or more of our favourite assassins is evidence of the Zeitgeist.

Go nuts!

Things to remember:
1) Always label NSFW (Not Safe For Work) stuff in the title and post under a cut.
2) Fic and artwork needs to have a rating and warnings (or you can say that you’ve chosen not to use warnings).
3) For people with annoying internet connections, say in the title if a comment is graphic/images/gif-heavy and post picspams under a cut.
4) Have a damn good time! (Because if that’s not happening then this post has clearly failed.)

this is the very best bar, friday is a day for all the things, speculation, all the things friday, polite anarchy needs a tag

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