(no subject)

Jan 28, 2012 11:51

Ended up cancelling the personal training, after that entry and the responses to it that confirmed it wasn't just me. Tried to call yesterday, was doing my best to not have to talk to her again - and luckily not only did I know the name of the guy who sold me the membership itself, but know he's awesome. So I call and ask for Chris... and he's not there until today. And I will probably have to come in to talk to her to cancel anyway. I got kind of flustered and asked if there was any way Chris could do it, and the guy on the phone took my information down, said Chris would call me back today, but I'd probably have to go in to cancel it anyway.

Instead, I got an email just now saying it's cancelled. \o/ I love when customer service is awesome (especially since it counterbalances the awful CS I had last week).

short entry is short, the guym, health

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