Brazil Journal

Aug 01, 2006 11:20

Brazil Mission Trip 2006
July 21-30

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34

Before the Trip

This wouldn’t be the first mission trip I’ve ever done before. I have three World Changers trips, STRIVE opportunities, and Costa Rica under my belt. Months before the trip, I felt as if it was going to be a monotonous trip. It just had that essence of complacency and that it was going to be like going to work. I just couldn’t see how some people were getting excited so easily about a trip like this.

The waiting time for departure from Tampa International slowly passed away and the trip was creeping up on me. My summer had been amazing and was filled with things to take my mind off Brazil like Cornerstone, Big Stuf, Underoath releasing their new CD, hanging out with sixth graders at Cocoa Beach, and going to more concerts then ever before. But as I was sitting on a slowly deflating air mattress at World Changers, the thought hit my mind like a ton of bricks: Brazil is only a week away.

There were lots of things to think about and be concerned with when it came to traveling to the small village of Ariri.

  1. What was the weather going to be like?

  2. Was the food any good? 

  3. What kind of village are we staying in?

  4. Will I survive the twenty hours plus of travel each way?

  5. Is my health going to be okay?

  6. Will the hygiene of Ariri be suitable for Americans?

  7. Are the two different languages going to be a problem when we try to communicate?

  8. Am I going to be schooled by eight year kids in soccer?
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