
Oct 31, 2009 12:03

A Moment in the Leaves

I am walking behind her through the autumn woods
(maybe watching the way her hips sway from side to side as she steps around a rock)
The sunlight filters down through thinning leaves
To touch her hair, a crown of gold and fire
And she can't see my face, but I smile.
Wind makes the leaves rattle across the path
Shakes the leaves remaining in the canopy
Yellow, red, and the last of green
(stepping around a puddle, I catch a glimpse of leg from beneath her coat)

Golden leaves fall around her
Spiraling in the wind as though drawn to her
Like a magnet drawn to north
Or waves drawn to the shore
The way I'm drawn to her

First three, and then five, then quickly more than I could count
My chest grows tight
Glowing in the sunlight and surrounded by leaves
She is beautiful
Glorious and fey

She turns back, and asks me if I'm okay
I realize I've stopped
Just looking, watching leaves tumble down around her
I'm fine, I say.
I'm better than fine, I think.  I'm with you.

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