Title: Infatuation Author: Amy Genre: General/Introspective Rating: G Word count: 264 Warnings/Spoilers/Notes: Elliot totally wants George and you know it.
What is it I should get you for your birthday? Because I'm outside your house... right now.... [/horror movie background noises] Is your birthday september 7th? NO WAY!!! I have two friends here with the same birthday!
Yay! You wrote something, you fiend! Nobody wrote for the theme "passage", though... Huh. I'll have to write something for it, because you all are teh suck. =P
Comments 14
And they so want each other. SO BADLY.
I wrote this at the last second. Procrastination bites.
OT: For my birthday, I'm going to beg my mom to get me a tee from www.neighborhoodies.com that reads, "Billy Joel OWNS YOUR SOUL." I rawk.
You would rock out LOUD.
Is your birthday september 7th? NO WAY!!! I have two friends here with the same birthday!
Anyways, good job. ^_^
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