phone with my dad.

Aug 01, 2005 22:47

ive been so confused lately..and i dont know why.

this weekend was ok, and then it sucked..

on friday i went to the movies to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with evan, haley, and was really good and i had a lot of fun. then we went out to dinner at chilis and it was very fun. evan is such a nice kid and i feel bad that he doesnt realize how good of a person he is..

so then saturday was FUCKED UP. i know it was alis birthday, and i tried my best to be so nice to her and care that it was her birthday. whatever happened i called her at 12 [when u texted me ali] and i was half asleep and she was hysterical crying and i didnt understand. like she expected me to call directly at 12..i should have but i didnt think it was the biggest deal if i didnt. and i guess it was a big deal. whatever happened. and so she had planned to have people over for cake. now during the week on like tuesday alex came up to me in camp and said that i was hanging out with him saturday cause my mom asked him to stay with me cause my mo mwas going upstate all day. so i couldnt get out of it but i thoguht i could go out to alis for like an hour. so i kept calling my mom and she didnt have that much service and things werent working out. i was home alone from early in the morning till night and my sister was at work till 6 and i thoguth she was coming home to have dinner with me and she never did and she ditched me to go to her boyfriends house. and so at 9:30 i still didnt have dinner and i was starving and waiting for alex to come ome cause he ditched me and went out to eat with corey and his family and so i was waiting. alexs mom called me and asked if i needed her to pick me up and i was like well ill talk to alex, he said hed call me back and shes like ok i was online talking to kat and kat knew i was home the hwole day so shes like gill u need to get out of ur house already cause i was just really stressed and breaking she was like im picking u up and we will get pizza so i went to go pizza with her and her mom and that was at like 9:45 so then shes like jsut sleepover i dont want u going back to ur house since ur moms getting home really late [she was in albany] so i just slept then while im at kats, ali calls me FLIPPING OUT saying " i cant beleive u, what teh fuck is ur problem, i dont get why u did that, how can u..omg..i seriously cant beleive u.." flipping out nadim like what did i do and shes like so now ur sleeping at kats? and im like yeah>? and shes like wowwwwwwwwwww r u serious what is ur problem, how can u do that i cant beleive u...and i know it was her birthday and i still feel horrible but like for her to call me and say this shit to me while every1 with her is around her was a big fucking embaressment and 2nd to call and accuse me of something that she didnt even know the story was total bullshit.. so i flipped out and was like if u think u can call me up and yell at me for something that u have no idea happened i dont know what to say.. and she just went off and then was like ill talk to u later about this cause i really cant beleive u..and i was like shocked cause first she had no idea what i went through cause i went throught more than she thought and it was hard to get rides everywhere since no1 was home. so then i call her cause i was upset and i was like we have to talk and shes like no i cant and im lik r u serious and shes like in this attitude voice, yeah i cant im playing manhunt and im like ali fucking stop and shes like what and im like cant u take time out of ur game and shes like nope and im like r u serious and shes like yeah and im like ok.. and shes like ok and im like seriously ali can we just talk and shesl ike ok talk and im like well do u have time nad shes like not a lot so i was like whatever call me later..soooooooo then she called me later and she was so fucking stubborn acting like i didnt go out of my way to go and i did but when shit happens it happens.. i had no choice..she acts like i didnt do anything ..she said i didnt say sorry she says i could have called her more and asked her how she was cause she says i knew she was upset the hwole day..OK CAUSE SE HE WAS OUT THE WHOLE FUCKING DAY ..OUT TO EAT WITH ALEXA THEN STRAIGHT OUT TO DINNER WITH HER FAMILY.. jesus so then she basically made me feel horrible about myself [ and at this time i was alone in kats bathroom while she was on the phone with jack] and then i was liek ali i have to go and i hung up and i just cried and cried and cried..i dont think ive cried that much in so long and i was like going kat runs in and i was screaming and it was 2 in the moring.. i woke her whole family was horrible and then kat got really mad cause she saw how upset i was and she was going to say something to ali but she didnt ..let me just say ive never seen ali that stubborn and bitchy befrore..we later on talked to her online and she wouldnt understand anything..liek she thought we were lying about everything.. i can go on about this for hours.. so fuck this story...

and after that it was like nothing happend but now she hates me nad i can tell

sunday i went to the beach with the alchehs and hoppmans and was alex and kat walked 12 blocks to another beach and tanned and went in the was cool and i had my period so it suckedddd. all i was craving was a french vanilla coffee coolatta and we walked to dunkin donuts to get 1 im enjoying that orgasmic coolatta and of course alex steps on a bee, went insane and hugged/pushed me to distract himself and knocks the drink out of my hand..and i flipped on him and then that was it and it was horrible nadi got in such a bad mood..then we left..but all in all it was a really fun day.

its 11 and im so tired for typing. and camp tomorrow

right now im just blehhh
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