akiramenai! あきらめない!

May 13, 2011 11:23

"Don't give up!" That seems to be my fight-back attitude mantra or something. There's been a lot to fight back with, so it seems fitting. (Hopefully I translated that right...)

I've had no luck with job hunting so far, aside from one interview. I've looked up many places and applied to jobs I thought I had a chance at. I haven't heard anything from those yet. I also joined Monster.com a few weeks ago and had a hit the next day from a franchise of Verizon Wireless. I got an interview set up, went into Madison for the interview... It seemed like it went ok but I haven't heard anything, so I'm guessing they didn't like me enough or I didn't have enough floor sales experience. Eh, if it's not where I'm supposed to be, I'll find something else. (Doesn't really seem possible though, at this rate... No, not gonna say that. Think positive!) I just have to keep looking. I need to find something soon... I'm slowly depleting the money I have saved up from college, with gas money and all that. Plus, I need a new computer badly; I have no idea how long this one is gonna last anymore. It had a major malfunction a couple weeks ago and, while it's up and running again, I don't feel 100% comfortable with it anymore. I also have the end of my deferment coming up, and I'd really like to not have to defer again... But, at the rate things are going, I'll probably have to. Damn. If only our society didn't run on money, then I'd be set...

Ok, self, think positive! I feel like I have to keep chanting that... There are way too many pessimists and negative thoughts around right now. I love my Dad, but he seems to emanate it sometimes. :-/ Maybe I can jumpstart some optimism in his direction... I know I need to keep positive or I'll just collapse or something. All that negativity weighs down on a girl, you know.

In other news, it seems my boyfriend is like 95% going to Maine for grad school. Which of course is fine and dandy for him. For me, it's like "OMG he's going halfway across the country, what am I gonna do, OMGOMGOMG *insert panic attack here*" ... Well, not that bad, but bad enough that it (plus the job stress) has me getting tension headaches like no other. I've basically figured out that, while I'd like to be out there with him, I can't afford it right now and I don't have enough job experience to be able to move to a different state. Maybe if I get lucky and find a job soon, I can build money and experience up enough that I can go out there after a while... Just not now. (Sad panda.) But! This is where the "akiramenai" comes in. I have determined that I don't care about distance. I won't let it defeat me. I love Brandon, and he's worth fighting for. Take that, distance! So there! :P

While I hunt for a job, I hope to get my happy self in some sort of shape other than the one I'm currently in. I'm disgusted with myself right now. Eww. Plus, in a couple years I have a wedding to be in, and I want to look good for it. Not as good as the bride of course, but still good. :)

Recently I've "taken up" Celtic knot drawing. (I say "taken up" because I've basically looked at a tutorial book to learn the basics and then drawn my own knots a couple times. It's not quite an instant past time yet.) I like how the knots look, but man do they take forever to draw. O_o If you want to be really detailed, you have to draw the outlines of the line, which is the hard part. But, for just a quick one, I've cheated with Photoshop and just made a white line with no outlines. It still works the same. It's amazing how complex those things can be though...

I feel a little relieved. This is the first day in quite a few days that I've felt awake. Perhaps going to bed ungodly early really is the key to being alert in the morning. I'd rather not though.. Last night I went to bed before Brandon did, and he's the one who goes to bed by 9:30 latest. Considering many of my friends are online/talkative at night, I'd like to be sociable, lol.

*listens for thunder* Yay, thunderstorms! Summer has come to Wisconsin! (Forget spring. What I consider spring is still winter to most people who haven't spent about 4 years in the Northwoods, so... yay summer! LOL)

job stresses

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