I went downstairs this morning to get something. When I got down there I couldn't remember why I went down there in the first place and what it was I was supposed to get. It wasn't a totally wasted trip since I did decide to get some hamburger out of the freezer, and the kitchen rugs needed brought up and put back in the kitchen. They had an accident yesterday so had to be washed and dried. Still, there was something else I was supposed to get.
I just walked by the fruit basket on the kitchen counter and noticed the very ripe bananas. That was it - chocolate chips. I went downstairs to get chocolate chips to make
banana muffins. Really I should go down and get them right now, before I forget again. On a positive note - besides the fact that those banana muffins are going to be wonderful - I get to make at least one more trip down and up the stairs. I seem to be up and down those stairs many many times a day. I just consider it good exercise!