Dec 17, 2004 21:53
I talked to my dad tonight and found out that he and my mom know the owners of Kibby's in Bluffton. Ron and Anita Klingler. Ron's one of my dad's bosses and Anita used to work with both my mom and dad. So I convinced dad to call them and try to get me a job there! I know it's pathetic and it's much better to be independent and all that, but I want a job desperately and if I have connections I'm going to use them. And I really hate name dropping, so I'd rather just have my dad call and not keep up any pretenses. Besides, he got Lori and Lindsay jobs in Ada, so he can try to get me one in Bluffton! Ugh, I just hope they don't give him the whole "She'll have to put in her application and be treated like any other applicant" speech which basically means "We think your daughter's pathetic for using her daddy to get her a job." If that's the case I think I'll be too embarrassed to apply at all.