21. Name one thing you feel brings out the good in people.
honestly... sex. That simple. It makes people more grounded in their bodies, it discharges energy, it (in ideal scenarios) invites love, affection, and intimacy, and it is probably the easiest way to get exercise. It invites relaxation and confidence. I know it has made a huge difference in MY life - the times I was most dysfunctional were times of celibacy
anyway... I'm sure this is not a very popular answer
22. Describe a time in your life when everything turned out fine, despite the odds.
yeah, like pretty much ALL the times.
a) foreclosure and moving to NC and finding $
b) house fire and moving out of that crappy basement apartment and finding $
c) quitting college and moving to Atlanta
ad nauseum
the only thing that nothing good really came out of was the time i broke my leg. That just sort of all-around sucked, and I gained weight because of it too. On the other hand, that allowed me to finish a painting project I'd been putting off, so
23. If you invented a device that could fix one problem you are facing right now, would you use it? What problem would you like to solve?
the only thing I really want is something to change my brain to have the sorts of abilities I don't currently have and have the thoughts I currently don't have to allow me to have the sorts of experiences I want to have at this time
24. Write about the last time you spoke to your best friend. What did you talk about?
not sure who would be a 'best friend' - this seems like a very Middle School concept to me
a) in some ways I consider J a best friend since it's the person i most am in simpatico with and with whom I spend the most time. We recently had a convo about Fear I write about here
https://bcegda.livejournal.com/5110.html b) last nite spoke for an hour to my stepsister who even though I have not seen in 10+ years and we haven't been much in each others' lives in adulthood, defo qualifies as Best Friend - just a person with an important karmic tie whom I can always see as being in my life, and our differences complement each other, and with whom it's possible to have a crazy good time when circumstances are right. Also lots of history. They live overseas.
we caught up a bit but what she really wanted was to find out WTH is happening with my brother and his weird and tragic family meltdown, because they'd been hearing all sorts of weird things and had all sorts of weird and not too charitable (towards my brother) opinions and ideas about it all
in a nutshell, they adopted 2 kids 5 years ago or so and things have not gone well with the younger one (the boy). So they opted to have him institutionalized. They had their reasons - let's just leave it at that.
i tried to set her (and them) straight. I mean I disagree with a lot my brother has done and in many ways he and i are oil and water, but I completely honour his intentions/commitments, he has done his best, the circumstances are way difficult, and it does not stand to reason to me that he is the villain, or his wife is the villain, or any of that. So I just tried to inject a little nuance and reality into their black and white thinking and hopefully avoided these well-meaning but clueless people from declaring a Fatwa on him and making a difficult situation even harder.
so, that was fun