May 22, 2007 12:04
i got a tattoo. it looks cool. it says "I am a slave of Jesus Christ" in Greek.
I'm working in housekeeping again this summer, only this time in columbia and not in estes park. summer job fun!
i'm moving to a nasty apartment for the summer that smells because it flooded before. great.
one of my friends from high school is coming up for the summer to work, hang out and live here. that will be awesome, because she's awesome.
i'm trying not to hate my exboyfriend.
i saw spiderman 3 and shrek the third. Sp3 was completely cheesy and lame, but Shrek 3 was pretty good for a sequel. now i want to see Aqua teen hunger force colon movie for theaters while it's still playing at the ragtag! hopefully i find someone to go with me, but if i don't, i will go alone and have an awesome time doing it!
my new favorite band is silversun pickups. they're playing in denver on july 30 and i want to see i have friends in CO i will visit. it will happen.
i didn't do so well in greek and latin this last semester so in addition to cleaning toilets i have to work hard on my langue this summer in addition to studying for the GRE in addition to working some more? and of course the weekly roadtrips my friend and i have planned!
i have to go clean a house now.