I sound too much like a dad with terrets.

Jul 28, 2005 05:27

The realities of adulthood really do suck.. Honestly, no bullshit..

So, after working yet another eleven hour day at a job i hate, i went to the store to try and find something that the kids would actually eat.. I walked out with pretzels, coke, and chicken. All of which they will probably turn thier noses up at once its put infront of them.. And hoenstly, i dont blame them.. I am more of a cheetoz and mountain dew guy myself.

Came home to a messy house and stepped over cat shit and dirty dishes to put grocherys away.. (btw, go to meijer and buy a bag of frozen chicken.. you get a two lieter of coke, pork and beans, potato salad, bread, barbacu sauce, pretzels, and chocolate chip cookies for free.. that, and those tyson heat and serve chickens are buy one get one free and great when you literally have five minutes to get something ready for dinner and mcdonalds is ten minutes away.. wrap it in bacon, which is also buy one get one free)..

And now, i have five minutes before i have to be out the door again to go get tallygirl from work and pay some more bills. I thought that once you paid those little mother fuckers that they went away.. But apparently, there is some huge government conspiricy inwhich everyone that you owe a nickle to knows exactly when you get paid. Fuckers.

I am starting to miss people again.. And wish that my schedule werent so damn hectic. I have been eating sleeping and working lately, and i kind of wish that i could go back to the "stay at home dad" life (i had the past week off and all i did was hang out with the kids in the pool). Terri's massage theropy better start taking off soon, because we could totally live off of her paycheck.. Or something.. Btw, if you want a massage, its tweenty dollars for a half hour and fourty for an hour.. Eathier hook up with me through here, my email, or my celli or call Komfort Care and get an appointment. Trust me, you wont be dissapointed.

But im off..Wish me luck with the bill collectors.

Its sad that i can get excited about a sale at Meijer. Really fucking sad.
Cock shit ass fuck damn.
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