The Magnificient Metro 7 . . . . . .

May 22, 2007 16:42

Ok, so here is how move in went . . . .

FRIDAY: I picked my dad up from TF Green Airport Friday afternoon at 4pm (while Toby was getting ready for prom). There was a lot of traffic and his plane was actually late, so unfortunately we never got to see Toby off. Then, dad and I went to dinner at Tort's Bar and Grille where we played the virtual trivia (he kicked my ass). Finished watching Batman Begins, then went to bed.

SATURDAY: Woke up at 2 AM, got out the door by 3:00 AM (I had to work for DWAT). We got to Philly by 8 and met up with Corey in the attractions lot. The event was about an hour away in Morrisville, Bucks County, PA. I operated the Orbotron while Anthony operated the Tramp (Corey had to work for UPS). The event was slow, real slow. We probably lost money on the event. After a long day of hard work, we got back to Philly around 5pm, ate dinner, then checked into our hotel for an early night. I really appreciate my Dad willing to drive me down so early for work. I like traveling with him, we really get to connect.

SUNDAY: Move-In day!! :D We first entered Metro at 10am. Most of my stuff was left in one of the other guys' rooms (when we went to move in during the transition period, the girls who were here before hadn't even started packing, so we all left our stuff in one of the empty rooms). We moved all of my stuff into my room and set everything up. We didn't finish until 5pm, but my room looks good now.

The suite is HUGE. There are seven engineers (all from Hanna) living in a suite with seven single rooms, a common room, kitchen, and 2 full bathrooms. I will be getting a new camera phone soon so I hope to get pictures online ASAP. Anyway, here's a short intro to the guys I'm rooming with:

Eric: Mech Engr, big running fanatic, but not an athlete. We all joke he looks like Wolverine from X-Men. Also serves as an officer in ASME.

Tim: Mech Engr, Don't know much about him, but definitely will soon.

Matt: Civil Engr, Eric's roommate from last year, has the goal of "toughening me up" all summer.

Joe: Civil Engr, plays trombone in music program, also an Eagle scout, loves to go backpacking.

"Rick" Chris: Electrical Engr, decided that there were too many Chrises in Hanna last year, so he goes by Rick. He's in the Honors Program with me.

"Dip" Chris aka "Dippers": Chem Engr, nickname is a result of his tobacco dipping habit, also big cigar smoker. Big hunter, somewhat redneck, and volunteers at his home fire department. Was Rick's roommate back in Hanna.

So, there you go, the Magnificient Metro 7. Everyone pitched in to bring bathroom and kitchen supplies (Dad and I retrieved some furniture left upstairs by the upper classmen who left them to be donated to charity, but they weren't collected yet, so we're just going to get a little more use out of it before the charity gets it).

With several students being on campus doing Co-Op, and so many students who live by, the summer is going to be great. No, FUCKING AWESOME! As I said, I'm getting a camera phone soon, so I hope to get a bunch of pictures up on facebook soon.

>-ttt-< :)
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