Pleasantly baked

Aug 08, 2005 17:50

No, not that. I managed to get to the beach today after moving into my new digs, which are about 700m from town downhill - I'm not looking forward to the walk uphill tonight. The populace is not as aggressively skin-tastic as the Bulgarians - swimsuits are a bit more conservative compared to the Rio-esque nature of many of the outfits I saw on the Black Sea.

I did use suntan lotion (SPF 8), so hopefully I won't be in agony later on despite having been shirtless in the sun from about 14:30 to 17:30. The sun was surprisingly bright and radiation-ful even at 4pm, so hopefully I will get some color out of this.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to get on a tour boat to Delos, which should be both interesting and amazingly hot. Actually, it's not that hot out of the sun - today the breeze was very refreshing. It's just that once you leave the shade, all bets are off. I don't expect there to be a whole lot of shade among the ruins in Delos, although there is a museum, I think.

I've been unsuccessful in my attempt to book accommodation in Paros and Naxos - everyone the agency I'm using called said that I should just show up. Still haven't heard from the Athens-based agency I'm using to find rooms in Santorini. I'm getting a little worried, because I don't like relying solely on my luck, but there's not much I can do, other than spend something like $200+ per night, which I'd really like to avoid.

Last night I didn't wind up going out drinking / partying - I needed to catch up on some sleep, since the previous two nights have been of the interrupted sleep while in transit variety. Even so, I wound up staying up late to finish the one English book that was in my room - some absolute, total trash of a chick book (uh, I mean romance novel) set in Dublin and about three different Irish lasses and their romantic (and other) problems, all of which get nicely and happily resolved by the end. Is this what I've come to already? Reading anything I can find in English no matter how bad? I guess so.
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