Quick Update

Aug 09, 2007 20:04

Hello All! It's been a while since I've updated, so I thought I would do so briefly.

Work: Surgery ended well and I learned a lot more this year than I did last year. It was a good month...just the right mix of work and play. And I did enjoy all my weekends off! This month has been the typical Medicine month. I've cried more days than not, been in a crabby mood more days than not, and questioned my decision to go into medicine in general. All the usual side effects of this rotation. On the plus side, I have clinic twice a week. Clinic nearly always puts me in a good mood, so having it twice a week has really been helping. Today was one of the best clinic days I've had in a while, actually. I've got 22 more days and 8 more calls, so I'm getting there. Slowly, but it's progress. I'm looking forward to next month...outpatient peds!

Fun: We went to see Carmen on the 28th, which was fun. Not nearly as good as Lyric Opera in Chicago (this was U of MN Duluth summer theatre), but a good time all the same. It was Mark's first opera! He enjoyed it for the most part I think. Mark's family reunion was last weekend and that went really well. He was in charge of organizing it. I think he's happy with how it all turned out. I met a lot of his extended family and fit right in, so that was good. They remind me a lot of my Mom's side of the family. Other than that, I've pretty much been working!

And that's about it from here! I won't be posting much this month since the little bit of down time I have is usually spent sleeping or generally decompressing. Have a great August, though, and I'll talk to you again in September!
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