Italy has turned to rain.

Sep 17, 2006 10:20

So... from here on out Cortona should be raining until I leave. Or so I understand it. Since my building is on top of a mountain everytime it rains a layer of fog settles just below where we are. You can't see anything more than 10 yards outside. It looks like I am stranded on an island in the middle of a pea soup ocean. The last two mornings I have woken up and layed in my bed, drank tea, worked my way through the massive piles of books I brought with me, listened to it raining outside, while Danielson played in the background. This is exciting.

Classes are becoming progressively better and better. Prints, although they haven't been started yet, the sketches for them are exciting (to me at least) and I made a book that fit inside of a jam packet that describes the history of jam. I am essentially a summer camp. Summer camp that counts for colllege credit.

This is a request that I understand will be a slight incovenience to fill, but one that I think you could sympathize with... If anyone, or many ones could send me a small ackage with some new music and a highlighter I would be oh so much obliged. All of my attempts at going to record stores have been thwarted or just a non-option here. My Italian stops after "Scusi, Dov'e lo campeggio di recordi?" and then I get a blank stare or vague directions that lead me to a store that sells crap American Top 40 imports. Here is my address so you can send me that, or send me a postcard, or a letter, or any form of correspondence...
Susannah Darrow
Univ. of Georgia Studies Abroad Program
Casella Postale 46

Seriously. I can't stress how frusturating it is to be somewhere and have no possibility of finding new music, going to shows, nothing. I'm pretty sure people don't have music here outside of shit they import from the United States. I have looked hiigh and low for any sign of life to absolutely no avail. Perhas I am checking in the wrong places. The most I have found is shitty hardcore in Rome and Florence and I am not going to take a train three hours to see some crap hardcore band. If anything pops up about any kind of randomness in Italy please let me know! I will trael for a good record store, show, anything. No one on this program can sympathize becuase they all listen to crap. I hate to sound like a bitch, but they do. We are talking, "I love obscure music, I mean, Death Cab and Coldplay. I was so happy when I found other people that liked them." My roommate is okay, but even that is not much past general indie rock. I can feel my brain disintegrating. Oi vey.

Yesterday we went to the Ducale Palace in Urbino. The Duke of Urbiino fro mthe 15th century had the upper bridge of his nose removed so that he could see in every direction at all times. His profile is pretty amazing to see. The alternate story to hs fucked up nose, which I prefer, is that it was a joustng accident where his opponent somehow took off the bridge of his nose. Either way, the guys profile is fucked. Go look him up. DUKE OF URBINO.

That's all for now. More later.

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