Five "Firsts" Ennis and Jack Never Had: Part Five

May 11, 2008 19:39

Title: Fate Meets Destiny 
Author: bbmgirlfan
Pairing: Ennis/Jack (AU/AU)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: just playing with the boys, they don't belong to me

Summary: Jack and Ennis grew up together and even went to the same college before moving back home to take over each family's business. They became roommates but that's all they were! Or, is it?

Author's Note: I decided to take a break in writing Fate Meets Destiny but still wanted to play around in the universe. I was curious about what their lives might have been like before we meet them after college. I wondered what it would have been like had they become aware of their attraction sooner. So I decided to write Five Firsts Ennis & Jack Never Had...

First Fight

"You can fuck the whole weekend away if you want to! I don't give a shit!!" Ennis yelled as he stormed off to his car. Seconds later, he was gone and Jack was standing on the front porch with his mouth open.
What the fuck?

Jack couldn't understand why Ennis had gotten so angry. He was pretty sure this was their first real fight. They'd had minor squabbles as kids, mostly when he caught Ennis cheating at cards or board games. But they had never even had a serious argument.

As he sat down on the swing, Jack noticed a few storm clouds gathering, the sky overcast, the sun playing hide and seek.

How appropriate! he thought.

But what is the matter with him? My very first girlfriend. I finally get one. And he gets upset because I want to spend time with her!

Jack had gone out with Jessica last night but had planned a pizza night for Saturday with Ennis. He liked to spend part of the weekend with Ennis and since Ennis wasn't seeing anyone right now, they couldn't double date. So they had decided they would get pizza or do something on Saturday.

But that was before last night's under-the-shirt 2nd-base success with Jessica. Jack wanted to go back for more of that tonight and see if maybe he could slide into third. He was enjoying the thrill of accomplishment!

And since sex was supposed to get more exciting as you went along, he was hoping that would happen if he just kept going. Everything he'd done so far with girls was fun. He guessed. But ... why did people make it seem like sex was such a big deal? Maybe you have to wait until you hit a home run! he thought.

So anyway, he wanted to try again with Jessica and see what happened. But he hadn't expected that that would piss Ennis off the way it had!

Jack teared up as he remembered the hateful look on Ennis's face.

And then, suddenly, not 10 minutes after Ennis had left in such a huff, Ennis was back, driving up and getting out almost before Jack had a chance to blink. As he walked up the steps, Jack opened the front door so they could talk inside. They stopped just inside the door.

Jack was relieved that no one was home. Ennis didn't seem to be as mad but he couldn't be sure there wouldn't be any yelling.

"I'm sorry!" Ennis began. "I acted like an ass! ... Go ahead and have fun tonight and maybe we can hang out tomorrow and you can tell me all about it."

"Okay." Jack agreed. But he must have looked sad or something because Ennis's face changed, softened, and he stepped forward to give Jack a hug. Jack was so relieved that everything was okay that he teared up again.

One lone tear leaked over the edge of Jack's eye and he could tell Ennis saw it as he stepped back from the hug.

"I'm sorry!" Ennis said again and touched a thumb to the tear, wiping it away gently. "I'd offer to kiss it and make it all better but I guess that's Jessica's job!" Ennis said, grinning.

At his words, a shiver went through Jack and he felt alive with excitement. "Do it!" he demanded, his voice full of sensual challenge. Jack could hardly believe he had issued that challenge and his heart was racing so fast he thought maybe it would gallop right out of his chest. But suddenly, if Ennis was offering, he had to see, he had to know what it would be like.

Looking into his eyes, Ennis stepped in closer and framed Jack's face with his hands. He tilted Jack's face down and placed a sweet kiss at the corner of Jack's eye.

Jack lifted his head but Ennis did not move his hands. Instead, he moved in one inch closer and laid a kiss on Jack's lips. Jack spent a minute or two exploring the taste and feel of Ennis's lips before breaking away gently.

"Wow!" he breathed into Ennis's mouth. He leaned in this time and this kiss lasted even longer.

"More!" Jack demanded when Ennis pulled back. Jack was hard as a rock--maybe harder than he'd ever been.

"Can't have any more of that unless you break up with Jessica!" Ennis warned.



"Can I have another incentive?" Jack requested.

Ennis reached between them, found what he was looking for and cupped Jack softly, squeezing a little.

Jack moaned in response. "I'll tell her tonight!". Jack promised to call after his talk with Jessica.

Satisfied with that, Ennis gave Jack a quick hug, a kiss on the cheek and then, left.

part five, five things, fate meets destiny, au/au, jack/ennis, bbmgirlfan

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