
Jan 28, 2008 21:15

So, I spent my weekend being sick. Fun times, fun times. Nothing too unusual; something about my eggplant parm dinner didn't agree with my stomach, so they parted ways in a violent and gross way. Saw a doctor, he told me to go really easy on my stomach for a few days. My dinner of plain noodles cooked in vegetable broth was both bland enough for my tummy and surprisingly not too bland for my tastebuds, so I'm happy about that. Oh Nature's Promise Veggie Broth, what would I do without you? Tomorrow I'm braving canned vegetable soup!

In other news, classes started two weeks ago. Everything is fun and awesome; had a little issue with my drawing class being at the crack of dawn, but I switched to a Web Design class that's entirely online. I hated my online Photography class last semester, but this prof seems to instruct his online class in a more sane way. Plus, a week-long grace period on all assignments? Woo!

Also, taking Art History (not as fun as my WCU one, but maybe that's my extreme love of the prof talking), Composition of Art (first project was a drawing assignment? not a whole lot of composition here), Japanese 2 (SUGOI!) and Metal Art, which is leading me to wonder why I bother filing and polishing my nails, because come 2:30 tomorrow, it won't matter anymore. Ah well, they'll look pretty until then.

Lastly, new LJ layout and new icon prettiness. I do not remember who exactly made this one, but if anyone surfs onto my LJ and knows, please let me know and I'll credit him/her properly.
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