XI App take 2

May 07, 2010 01:17

AGE: 20
EMAIL ADDRESS: xfb490@yahoo.com
OTHER CHARACTERS: Kyou Sohma, Kaoru Hitachiin, Michele Bonnefoy, Winry Rockbell, Henrietta Croce


NAME: Michele Bonnefoy
CODENAME: Seychelles None
SERIES/SOURCE: Axis Powers Hetalia (Mostly Gakuen Hetalia)
AGE: 13
GENDER: Female

BACKGROUND:  Michele was born in Seychelles, a small island off the coast of Africa. She grew up in a single parent household, being the result of a small love affair between her mother and Francis Bonnefoy, a suave Frenchmen. Her mother always told her stories about her father, and went as far enough as to give Michele his last name, to connect her to him, in hopes of one day getting to meet him and live a better life than she is now. While Seychelles is a beautiful place, they don't have a lot of money due to her mothers spending habits. This doesn't really bother Michele, she's good at saving her money, but if her Mama wants to go send her off to live with a Papa who probably doesn't know of her existence, then so be it.

Michele, of course, went to school in Seychelles before going to Xavier's. She didn't have a lot of friends, making her that weird girl who would rather spend time in the ocean with the fish than with her classmates. She often wondered if one day the fish would rise up and attack her classmates who picked on her. In essence she was outcasted by them, but she doesn't try to really fit in. She'd rather ignore them or, if prodded enough, yell at them/get violent. While not close to her classmates she was close to her grandfather, her mother's father, before his passing. He always told her to be brave and strong and to try hard in everything she does. She told him that she would try her best but she still thinks that she'll get bullied.

One day after school while she was lazing in the ocean, a classmate came to pick on her. He called her names like fish freak and weirdo. She got angry with him and started yelling back while secretly wishing that the fish would come to her aid. To her surprise, they did; they chased the boy out of the water, scaring him half to death and making him think that she was even weirder than before. The fish then surrounded her, as if they were protecting her. She wasn't scared of them at all, they were her friends and when she asked them to do something, they listened. She was ecstatic.

A few months after she discovered that she could control the fish, she noticed that her mother had become engrossed with trying to locate Francis, her father. Her mother spend a lot of time on the phone, racking up their phone bill in the process, and eventually found him at Xavier's, although she never spoke to him. She wondered if that meant that her mother was trying to send her away. Michele didn't really care, as long as it meant she could get away from her tormenting classmates (although she would be in despair if she wasn't close to the ocean.) Unexpected to her, her mother became very sick. In her last few days and with the last bit of money her mother had saved, she bought Michele a plane ticket to New York, telling her that her Papa was there and arrangements for her to stay there were already set up.

When she arrived at Xavier's, she was amazed by not only the sheer size of the place and all the money they were probably spending to keep it running, but also by the fact her family had grown exponentially. Not only did she have a father, she also gained two brothers and possibly another psedo father if the cards fell correctly. They had their ups and downs but they all got to know each other. She was happy, and that surprised her.

Until she got a surprise phone call. Unbeknown to her, her mother had a brother. They had never properly met before, though he claimed to have helped take care of her when she was a child, but he wanted to take care of her. She knew that her new family in XI could take care of themselves and didn't really need her, but what really made her decision was her longing to be near the ocean again, so she left to back home to Seychelles.

But it soon became clear to her that her uncle had the same spending tendencies as her mother, and after a while he couldn't afford to take care of them both. So, she did what she thought was best and found a way back to Xavier's and back to the family she missed.

Michele seems a bit old for her age, but that may be because she prefers to do things on her own or with fish (or her grandfather when he was alive) rather than with other people. Because of her lack of friends on the island, she has very low self confidence and is prone to yelling or lashing out when she feels threatened or offended. She is also easily overwhelmed, be it by a group of people or a new environment, and that will also cause her to get loud of violent. Her self esteem may be low but she's pretty intelligent, speaking three languages fluently (Seychellois Creole, proper French, and English).

She'll complain about her lack of talents, saying that she is poor and almost useless, only being able to swim, sing, dance, and make souvenirs for tourists from seashells she finds along the beach. Due to the fact she grew up pretty poor, thanks to her mother spending most of their money, she's pretty stingy; she doesn't understand why people need lavish things and is perfectly happy with simplicity. If there is one thing that island life has taught her, it's simplicity. Oh and that fish are friends and it's people who are weird.

Family is very important to her and she thinks highly of both her family, and those she considers family. Even if she knows they have faults, she believes that it's not for others to point out. For example, she could say that her mother wasn't careful enough with her money, but no one else could because it's none of their business and she's stubborn enough to live by that.

APPEARANCE: She has tanned skin because of where she lives, it's pretty tropical there, brown eyes and brown hair that she usually wears in pigtails tied with two red bows.
POWERS: The ability to control/talk to fish :|b

ANYTHING ELSE?: Her being Francis' daughter, I have cleared with Meg, and this is a reapp

First-person sample:
[video feed turns on to reveal a tired looking Michele, the flight was too long and now the only thing she really wants to do with sleep, but she figured this was the most practical way to announce her return]

Bonjour. [yawn] I've returned from Seychelles, mon oncle could no longer take care of me and [grumble, grumble] I guess I kind of missed this place. [she yawns again] You didn't all go and get kidnapped again, I hope. [yes Matt and Al, she's talking to you two] I didn't hear anything about the school at home so you must have kept out of trouble.

[she stretches her back a bit] I hear there is going to be a dance? I've never been to one before, what are you supposed to do at them? [she stares wearily at the camera for a few seconds, then turns it off]

Third-person sample:
Michele slowly walked to the girls dorms, surprising herself by remembering the way and making only one wrong turn. She dragged her bag behind her, the only possessions she really bothered to keep around. Although she did not have much, what she did have was important to her, like the first shell necklace her mother made her or the coat Matt bought her so she would be warm in the the New York winter. Eventually she would have to face them again, Matt and Al and Papa. Eventually she would have to face the fact she left without saying goodbye and didn't keep in contact.

She wanted to be mad at them for not contacting her first, but how could they? She never left a number or an address they could reach her by and she didn't deem herself worthy enough a person to be looked for by Xavier himself. Her bag held gifts for them, little things made from shells and sea glass. It was really the only thing she was really good at and the other children in her class at home teased her for it. But here was different, they didn't make fun of her. They genuinely liked her.

When she made it to her room, Michele was again in awe of how big it was and how wasteful it was. She would have been happy to share this size a room with five people and still find it comfortable. It was late, or was it early, and Michele had accidentally woken her roommate up. They exchanged sleepy greetings and Michele asked permission to use the other girls laptop to announce her arrival. The girl agreed. After posting a video on the network, Michele leaned back. Was it cowardly to tell them through a video rather than in person that she had returned?

Yawning, she decided that she didn't want to think of it and that it was time for bed. She climbed into the too large bed and made herself comfortable. Tomorrow, she decided, she would find them and say hello and give out her gifts. They weren't really I'm back gifts as much as they were I'm sorry gifts. With that thought she drifted off to sleep.

She awoke with the start. Cold. It was too cold. Then she remembered she was back in New York and it was cold in New York. She still didn't have appropriate clothing for this type of weather, she didn't need them back home so she sold them, all except the coat Matt bought her. She wrapped herself in her warmest dress and her coat and headed down to the kitchen so she could sit by the stove and smiled as this is just what she had done the first time she was here.

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