Farewell West Wing article

May 13, 2006 07:22

For those of you tracking the many, many articles on the ending of The West Wing, the Post has a short piece that includes some very funny "inside information" on the cast. My favorite are the bits on Josh Malina (whom I've loved since Sports Night):

Best practical joke he pulled: Stealing producer-writer Alex Graves's iPod, deleting 4,000 songs and resetting it to Mandarin Chinese. "Once your iPod is functioning in Mandarin Chinese, it's pretty hard to set it back," Malina says with relish.

Thing he really, really wants to say back to Whitford: "I'll cop to being the most annoying person on the set and I'd like to say that I, personally, find Brad to be the most inspirational. He's a shining example that despite poor looks, advanced age and lack of talent, you can still make it as an actor."

Direct link to the entire Washington Post article here.

the washington post, bradley whitford, the west wing, sports night

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