Title: Obsidian Anniversary
swissmargRating: NC-17
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Word count: 3,200
Summary: Sherlock gives John a little something to commemorate the day they became mates.
Notes: This is set in a Stone Age AU I've had ghosting around in my head for quite a while now. Maybe I will get around to doing proper research and writing it some day, but until then, here's a very seat-of-my-pants little scene. Sorry for all the exposition. This was written for the
come_at_once 24-hour porn challenge in response to the prompt 'Obsidian' by
mildred_bobbin, but I would also like to officially enter this in
AU Ficathon of Absurdity because a) this is actually in response to one of my prompts there and b) caveman!Sherlock is surely the epitome of the absurd.
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