- login to the computer, now simplified to fingerprint
- login to VPN (2-factor)
- login to non-PROD aws console
- login to secret server (2-factor)
- checkout secret, login to PROD aws console. I keep 3 profiles of browsers, occasionally need to switch to new identity or IAM roles.
- login to aws (cli). Some people still do copy and paste at this step :(
- often need to obtain a token for API testing. Again some people still do copy and paste (a lot). In "Git-for-Windows" there is a device named "/dev/clipboard" which is so convenient. Cannot find equivalent in either Linux or macOS
- may need to unlock vault in browser.
- start checking machine and queue status
- check calendar and found missed meetings
- chat is already cleared before breakfast, but new ones keep coming in
- planning while checking alerts
- planning while answering questions
- planning while coding
- planning while reviewing PR
- pair meetings
Can AI help me to login to all places? It takes more time to complete all the login than to write a blog post.