Apr 22, 2006 20:12
When my manager first told me yesterday about the new parking implementations, she suggested that I speak to my company to see if they would offer some sort of assistance to me in order to get my license faster. I honestly doubt it but there's no harm in checking so I'll be contacting my accounts manager on Monday. I just hope she's in.
Then I got to thinking some more about the whole situation (which usually doesn't bode well). When I speak to my manager, I'm going to ask her if the owners can legally have me removed from this site because I don't have my license, even though having the license was never part of the site requirements. Personally, I don't think they can but I know for a fact that my company won't fight to keep me there. If it comes down to a fight, the owners can threaten to cancel the security contract with my company. If the choice is between keeping me at the site or keeping the contract, the choice will be with the contract every time.
The fact of the matter is, unless I can get some financial assistance, there's no way I can afford to take a Driver's Ed course with my increased rent and bills and trying to save for a new apartment. If my company can't help, I'm fucked.
I actually hope that my company will be able to help. But not so I can be a fucking car-jockey. If I can get my license by the summer then I'm going to do my best to use it to find myself a better job.
Fuck em.