Your royal tweetiness, your highness

Mar 06, 2009 09:04

Where the twits don't fly, I do.

  • 11:35 One of our customers wants to order most of the back catalogue of Marvel Masterworks. Huzzah!
  • 11:42 Hrm. The problem with folding t-shirts and hoodies is that people want to un-fold them.
  • 12:28 Love it when someone contests my knowledge of stock levels. If I tell you we are out of Wonder Woman Series 1 Action Figures, then WE AR ...
  • 12:36 I was then told "Well, your website shows you have two in stock." Uh, lemme stop ya right there.
  • 12:47 Yes, lunchtime is the perfect time for plumbers to go banging around in our ceiling. Yes, thank you. Dumbasses.
  • 13:03 Monolith still stands as one of my favorite DC books of the past decade.
  • 17:56 Surely I'm not the only one who remembers the fantastic awfulness that was Shampoo...
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