Jul 02, 2006 01:14
I will start today by informing you that I am injured. Not seriously, but in a way that makes it hard to move around, cos I've hurt the lower part of the right side of my back. Basically if I lean forward or something like that, it hurts a fair bit. This makes getting up quite a problem. I think it was caused by staying in bed too long or something.
Anyway, back to the start of things, we went out on Monday to celebrate the end of most people's exams. Mine and other's had finished much before this, and some poor souls had exams the next day. Either way, I drove for the first time to Watford, parking in the least safe place there, or so I'm told (but it's ok if you're in a group!!).
New guy Phil was there from Manchester uni, and he's pretty cool. Also other people like Jon Page and Ben were around. We saw them in various places, the moon, revolutions, and also bar:me
After finally sorting out who I was taking home and when, I dropped Phil off, and left Steph and Vicky at my house whilst I came back to get the rest... Except Gurinder who we thought had gone was still there, but he had to walk anyway. Anyway, we were all fairly quiet in my house, apart from Luke making lots of noise as he fell off the sofa...
He and Kavita also disappeared nice and early the next day, but Luke came back cos he didn't mean to leave... He just thought everyone else had left already.
Then on Wednesday I went down Scotsbridge to play football with Matt and co, which was good, but very hot and tiring. AJ nearly had a fight with Josh which was lol. Then I went home, showered and walked up to Tom's for a BBQ. This was good fun, because hanging out with the guys always is. Especially with alcohol. I walked home with Matt at about midnight, and proceeded to stay up till 5am on the internet.
Friday was book return day, and I had two bags of stuff to take back. It was fairly heavy, but not back breaking... or was it... maybe that's why...
After we'd all given our stuff back, and waited for everyone else, we decided to have a short-notice BBQ at my house for lunch. So again we drove off to get meat and coal, and came back and set it on fire. We just sat around in the garden for hours, which was nice, cos it was good weather. We also terrorised the rabbit...
Richard and Kevin stayed later to watch the game, which was stupid because Argentina should've won, and Richard was right, and now I need to eat a jam and ham sandwich. I quickly took Kevin home and got ready for the leaver's supper, which wasn't too bad, but it was really hot, and barn dancing was just unusual. Especially for drunk people.
Mr. West got very drunk very early on, and proceeded to stay that way all night. Then he tried to hit on Vicky, which from the reaction he had when walking back, went terribly... AJ also mentioned stuff about yaoi, which apparently I misheard...
Today England lost, because they still can't learn to take fucking penalties. It's not even difficult. I could go out there and score at least 4 out of 5... Alan Shearer should be employed as official penalty coach of England and teach those idiots how to do it.
I'm now going to try and sleep sensibly, without injuring my back, but I also think I will wait for the tick, cos then my army can go away again. In the mean time I will investigate the e-mail situation... Who needs to reply, and who I need to reply to...