Oct 12, 2008 20:27
Internets in the bedroom are back! After many failed attempts at getting AOL to send us the free wireless router we were apparently entitled to - but didn't really want all that desperately - one finally arrived in the post this week. Initially reluctant to try installing it, since all of their online guides seemed to suggest I'd have to install AOL onto my PC to connect to an AOL provided wireless network, I finally bit the bullet today and started playing around with the relevant bits and bobs.
Less than 30 minutes later, casa del Barry is back online.
Without the need to use the coal powered machine in the spare room to go webwards I should be able to spenda lot more time on the important computery things that I've been putting off, like catching up on the new season of Ugly Betty and downloading porn applying for graduate jobs and staying in touch with everybody I've failed to stay in touch with since I moved back home.
Speaking of jobs, I've scored myself ten days temping in an office starting Thursday just gone. Despite being through Reed Accounting it's only general administrative work, not anything that'll give me any accounts experience, but it still helps flesh out the office worker section of my CV which previously consisted of 15 days work experience when I was, like, 14.
The bad news? Well, if there is any it's that working full time means that pre-lunch gym sessions are totally out of the question, but tomorrow I'm going to try hauling myself down after work instead, see how much that kills me.