So, I logged onto my facebook today and was welcomed by this from my friends..
I couldn't help but bust out laughing. I mean, it helps to know the guy.. But still, I laughed my ass off.
Ok so news.. My work did another layoff. Thankfully I made it, barely but nonetheless I did so I'm ok and still employed which makes me happy!
Today there were a lot of cops out. I didn't know why, I seen a lot of ambulances around the area. I didn't know what it was all about and assumed there might be some training going on. Turns out someone was stealing anhydrous ammonia and something must of went wrong and they fled leaving the 850 gallon tank to empty out. So that closed down the interstate by us. I guess the wind worked in our favor as we weren't hit by it or evacuated unlike the neighborhood next to us. So in the 2 years we've owned this house, we've had 3 close calls with disasters. Lucky us :3