So I know everyone is extremely annoyed that its been like a month since i have posted....BUT IMMMM BBAACCCCCCKKKK!!!! So be happy not sad. I cant go into great detail about x-mas break.....ill just let you know that it consisted of a million sleepovers,
movies, friends, the boyfriend, a lil bit of alcohol and some fun. I just liked not having to deal with school or any one that goes there for that matter. No Offense to those of you that also attend Harvard on the Hill but I am sure you share the same feelings I do about the place we say we "GO TO COLLEGE."
So I have come to the conclution that I am FIRMLY against lieing! It ruins everything especially when boys do it, it makes you sad/angry, and overall there is NO POINT! Just feaking tell the truth...obv iously you wanted to do whatever it is you were doing real bad...I would like to share in your joy...DO TELL! I have spoken with many of my lady friends who agree with me. In conclution LIEING IS ANNOYING...EVERYONE GET OVER IT....ITS OLD NEWS!!!!
On another rather upsetting note school has started back up. WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: more posts more often about my extremely boring life.YAY!WHAT THIS MEANS FOR ME: I have to take a million classes that i HATE....I have to be at school at 8AM 4 days a week, I have to be bothered by scarey people that I dont know, and I have TO STUDY! ICKY STUFF! on a happier note this is my last full semester at IVCC for LIFE thank you very much and I have class with THE FAMILY again or for those of you who dont know who they are they are my bestest friends I made last semester while we all died in Chemistry and Physics....anywho....I will be soooo glad to get the FUCK out!.....
which leads me into my next subject. School for nexy year....I have finally made my decision. It was not one of my origional choices but after a whole semester of deliberation i decided to choose EIU!!!! I am super excited because not only will I be getting out of my house....away from my mother...and away from the illinois valley BUT I will have the best roomates in the entire world and they are none other than the DA DA DA-DA
TRINA AND ELYSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are gonna have the best times ever I cant wait! We are going to visit this weekend so I hope they are ready for us!
As for tonight I am going to go to Rips to eat with lauren, heather, and al! Then I am waiting for Trina and Elyse to get done eating so we can watch WITHOUT A PADDLE!!! About the funniest movie in the world!!!!I will pee my pants i am sure.
on a slightly different note i miss my boyfriend alot latly....& its not like i only see him once a year I actaully see him quite often. So I dont know what my problem is but i am sad:( maybe its just because its the begining of the semester of school and I will be extremely busy with work and school and I know I wont see him very much...Oh well I have plenty of friends to keep my occupied!!!
Thats about it....there will be another post ASA something interesting happens to me!!!!!