Dec 21, 2004 00:59
I am toooo happy cause Roseanne is on right now!!! i love her!!!! any ways This week was HORRIBLE! Finals made me SICK!! UGH I Hate them....but those are over now...and I did well! All A's and B's...thats hot!!! I am a lil smarter than I thought. Wednesday when I finished fake doing my Physics final I was soo happy! I wanted to do the Rockie thing where he throws his arms in the air and like shakes them like "YA YA" you know when he reaches the top of those huge that. It felt soo good to just go home lay on the couch and NOT have to worry about mind could be empty for once in my life.
Wednesday night I went out to eat at Rips with Trina, Lauren and my own personal favorite peoria resident SARAH! I miss her soo much shes hilarious. Lauren went to Georges and Trina Tells me shes never seen THE RING! I cring at the thought of that movie and explain that she must watch it! I run to Laurens to get the movie... we get BEN AND JERRYS....and watch in terror THE RING. After I am too scared to sleep at my house and so I go to Trinas with her. I go home in the AM and Thursday is SHOPPING DAY!
Lauren and I go to Target and the Mall. Too bad they didnt have the pumps in my size....I was too sad...but yet i am over it now. I dropped her off at home as we jammed to Counting Crows and I left for Michaels. He was sad cause I was suppposed to be there at 12:30 and i didnt get there till 4...OOPS a gurls gotta shop though...right ladies???To make a long story short...Rich comes over we all go to the movie store in his HOT Jeep Grand Cherokee...MMMMM and then I say my good byes to him cuz he was leaving for DC the next day....i was sad. Michael and I watched BIG DADDY, I tried to eat a whole thing of Mac and Cheese he made me but i couldnt...I was tooo sick! We went to sleep and i slept forever and then had to leave for work.
I HATE BEING A WAITRESS!! People are soo rude sometimes...I mean i am SOOOORRRYYYYY if the hostesess seat me 5 tables of 6 at 1 time and expect me to get everyone drinks and orders in 5 seconds...its NOT think they would figure it out....GOD!! I get off work go to taco bell alone and go to bed..cuz i am too tired!
I wake up and discover my Organic grade is in. I GOT A B! I about cried!!! i worked so hard for it. I want to marry Mr.Carver for that!!!I didnt even care that i had to work again!! I GOT A B! and i thought I would for sure fail! I worked and then went to Michaels cause Jenna was there and his daddy was too! It was a good time. I went and Picked up a tipsy Trina from Ang's toga party of which i couldnt attend because I HATE WORK! We went to hyvee and bought stuff for balogna sandwiches cuz we love em! We decided over an infomercial that Her, I and Elyse were going to HAVE to have the MAGIC BULLET for our place next year. It is the best gadget ever! You can make mixed drinks, and an omlet with it!! I AM IN LOVE!
Work at 10:30 AM sucks...specially when you must work with TOM vacuming the place BLASTING this scary techno music and like Ludacris what a combination....I am sooo scared. My feet hurt so bad after that i thought i was going to DIE!!! I went home got a shower and left for Michaels!
He came to open the door and was like I GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES! I was soo terrified of what it might be! I open my eyes...AND ITS RICH!!!! He just got back form DC and was getting his stuff before going home to Michigan. I was sooo excited I screamed! I was soo tired and fell asleep as the men of the house watched Sports Center. EW! LOL Rich left for home the next day and was never coming back! AWWW Michael and I TRIED to watch Nemo and went to sleep.
We woke up for our fake X-Mas. part of my present was a singing dog the sings MY GIRL! cuz i want a puppy soo bad but cant have one! It is very cute and i love it!!! I left for work!!!
AND I HATE IT AGAIN! There were 50000 people there! its like SERIOUSLY find another place to eat cause i ignore all my tables anyways! They all hate me too! GOOD! I get off eat with Trina and come home where i am now!
I will be relaxing this week! I hope to hang out with Kenzie and NOONAN at some point cuz i also miss them tooo much. I have a few more gifts to buy. Tomorrow I dont work but Nepoleon Dynamite comes out tomorrow which I will buy...I have a massage at will be soo good... then i hope to go out to party for Kutter's birthday! It will be a good time! I will post often and soon!!!