Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Apr 01, 2008 21:42

We started off at 7 am.  We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same place as yesterday.  Looks like that will be the restaurant of choice while here (I later found out they find a place that is "safe" and that's where you eat while there, as opposed to risking sickness from some other place).

We got to the clinic and people were waiting on us.  First thing I did was make a list of the medications we had on hand to give to the clinical staff so they would know what they had available to give out.  After that I began counting and bagging certain pills such as vitamins.

The children especially loved us being there.  The ones from the orphanage are so affectionate.  They love to have their photo taken and will say in Khmer "Take my picture!  Take my picture!"  Then they like to look at it in the camera.  Kathy has her 35 mm here and they didn't like that they weren't able to see.

We treated about 140 patients today.

After dinner, Kathy, Dan & I went to find the internet cafe.  Kathy wanted noodles from a stand next to the hotel and the chef told us no, to go away.  I truly believe it was fried worms.  Anyway, we went to the market and the internet was closed so we went on.  I was able to buy a couple hair pieces for Becky and Marla.  We went to the bakery and I had a pastry muffin.

New drinks I've tried:  grass jelly drink, wintermelon tea.  Grass jelly drink is dark in color and has little chunks of jelly in it.  The wintermelon tea tastes like teddy grahams.

Today God has been trying to teach me tolerance.  (script here left out intentionally)  Tonight I pray that God helps me through with tolerance.

I wish I could contact home and see how everyone/thing is.  I miss home but I am enjoying my time very much.

I don't know if I wrote about it already but there is A LOT of trash here.  It really disturbs me.  I feel like there are things that can/should be done to fix this problem.  Not only is it unsightly but it is also unhealthy.

It seems I have gotten a full-blown cold despite my refusal.

Everything in my luggage was ok--some clothes were a bit wet.  The bibles looked brand new.

The fruit I had last night was called Jack Fruit.

On the bus ride here we saw a guy on a moped carrying a king-size head/footboard on the back.  Today we saw a minivan with mopeds being carried on top of it & some guys used ropes to shimmy them down off the roof.

People here sometimes carry around IV bags (up in the air over their heads) wherever they're going.

Forgot to say that the electric went out this morning while we were getting ready (came to realize that this was going to be a daily occurrence). 
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