i am going to crash by noon.

Sep 17, 2009 07:40

so! i am attempting to re-set my sleeping cycle today. this was not planned, but i couldn't sleep last night anyway and once 5 am rolled around i figured hey. why not. i am going to try to stay up until ten tonight and then hopefully starting tomorrow i will wake up at a decent time. it's fool proof! in the way that i will probably fail. but the point is, this entry is brought to you by sleep deprivation and too much caffeine joltiness.

my birthday was pretty weird this year. i didn't end up doing anything for it because i felt really sick, and i ended up having to go to work. lame. but theoretically tomorrow my friends and i are going out to dinner to make up for it, and in early october they are giving me a going away party so i don't really mind. i have a tendency to get weird about my birthday anyway. i get excited for it to come but then when it does, i feel all awkward and dumb. perhaps because i am awkward and dumb. it is something to think about.

i re-discovered my copy of the hedwig and the angry inch soundtrack and have been listening to it a lot lately. i think i would understand that movie a lot more now than i did when i was fifteen and didn't care about history. i've developed this interest in the dissolution of the soviet union era that sort of came out of nowhere but it's so interesting. i can't believe that i was actually alive when the berlin wall came down, or moreover, i can't believe that something as historically important as the berlin wall still existed when i was alive. does that make sense? it just seems like something that should have occurred much earlier than it did, but i guess that's what's so fascinating about that era. hello random history tangent!

bah, looking at student loans is not a good way to stay awake. sad face sad face.

bad ideas, history ramblings, birthday

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