so i have randomly started writing again. i used to write a lot when i was younger, mostly crappy fiction that involved orphans running away or kids getting locked in lighthouses or silly stuff like that, but it all pretty much stopped once i got into high school and i haven't written anything substantial since then. i've missed it, but i haven't had the time, drive, or ideas to really do anything about it. until, uh, now. the past few nights, i have stayed up way too late writing. and the results have been...surprisingly decent. if i can ever get up the courage, i may actually post them somewhere, as they're fandom based and maybe...other people would like to read them? who knows. but we'll see. i made this journal for two reasons, one being the fact that i needed to start a new journal because the old one was too old [like seriously, i am not the same person i was when i was seventeen, boring], and the other being the fact that i needed a place to hold all of my writing. let's see how much i utilize it for the latter reason.
in other news,
harry potter lego game yay!