2007 film wrapup

Jan 13, 2008 22:09

best picture: There Will Be Blood, with The Assassination of Jesse James coming in a close second. Both dark character studies of the american dream, and how the quest for fame, money and power corrupt the soul. One a dizzying spiral into madness, the other an elegaic meditation on the end of the west and the death of a legend. See them both. god ( Read more... )

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bavariankumquat January 15 2008, 02:44:46 UTC
haha consider this comment part two, or, journal entry 2.0. like web 2.0 but with less jugalettes.

Well, I saw more movies than those included, I guess I should have written an actual top 10 list or something, but, for half a year I was kinda swamped with work and didn't have any time. Though it was the beginning half. Other movies that I liked/my thoughts on more movies:
Into the Wild, it was kind of corny in a way but also really good
Sweeny Todd-a surprise for me as I kind of distrust Tim Burton, and yes, the singing wasn't perfect, but sondheim fags' whining was not warranted at all. Depp was good but I loved HBC's choice to portray Mrs. Lovett as a tragic figure instead of a clown.
Once-also a surprise to me as it was one of those heavily hyped things, and I tend to sort of distrust word of mouth after little miss sunshine(which a good friend of mine absolutely loves, ugh), but, loved the music and the intimacy of it.
28 Weeks Later-I was surprised by this as well, though I love me a good nihilistic end of the world movie, especially the opening and the hopeless ending.
Darjeeling Limited: a nice little low-key movie, and I loved loved loved the opening short.
No Country For Old Men: also really good, tho I was in a kind of depressed and odd mood on the day that I saw it, so I think I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have.
Grindhouse was probably my best viewing experience this year, tho both the movies kind of lost something when seen at home separately.
oh shit I forgot Paprika. that was awesome.
Zodiac was good but slightly diluted by watching it with my slightly impatient housemate and his buddy who were like, they don't catch him? that ending sucks. really creepy and intense tho, and I love stories spiralling into madness.
oh shit the host. how could I forget. though it was rather sad.
southland tales was...well I don't know what it was but I found it rather entertaining.
I also saw this great documentary called "Audience of One" which is about this eccentric pastor's attempt to make a gigantic scifi epic with members of his church. I hope it gets distribution. The same for this thing I saw a test screening of called Debate Team, about the crazy world of college debates.

as for other things,
I guess Ratatoille was pretty good, but everyone sort of hailed it as if it was the second fucking coming of christ, instead of a well-done animated kid's movie with some appeal for adults.
I really didn't like Transformers that much at all tho shia was cute.
Golden Compass was actually a pretty decent adaptation of the book, tho they made it less subtle and took out the ending, which REALLY annoyed me.
I also really want to see Perseopolis.
other than that, I don't know. Though I must leave now, before the Cloverfield monster eats me! eek!


fusako January 15 2008, 22:51:55 UTC
La Boeuf?! Ugh. I don't understand how/why he got launched into stardom. Talk about mediocre on all fronts... *shakes head*

What exactly bothers you about "Little Miss Sunshine"? Was it Steve Carell's character?


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