2007 film wrapup

Jan 13, 2008 22:09

best picture: There Will Be Blood, with The Assassination of Jesse James coming in a close second. Both dark character studies of the american dream, and how the quest for fame, money and power corrupt the soul. One a dizzying spiral into madness, the other an elegaic meditation on the end of the west and the death of a legend. See them both. god am I pretentious.

best actor: Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will be Blood, tied with Casey Affleck in ....Jesse James. Confirming the fact that Gangs of New York really just needed to be a Bill the Butcher movie, Daniel-Day Lewis' Daniel Plainview is an amoral, nasty psychopath, but a human one. He's a horrible person, but compelling to watch all the same. As for Casey Affleck, his snivelling, cowardly Robert Ford is sad, intriguing and ultimately tragic.

best supporting actor: Paul Dano in There Will be Blood. A charlatan preacher who you'll love to hate.

best actress/supporting actress: this was a really lousy year for female roles, and I missed a few movies that supposedly had good ones in them, so, I'm going to give a default win to Cate Blanchett for "I'm Not There". She plays Bob Dylan but doesn't play him at the same time. It's uncanny.

best cinematography: Assassination of Jesse James. Gorgeous.

best score: Johnny Greenwood for There Will be Blood. An unnerving, hermannesque score that dominates the picture.

best editing/script: not sure, really.

best hideously expensive mainstream movie: Harry Potter 5. For once in a Harry Potter adaptation, the script actually made sense, and it moved quickly without seeming choppy.

worst hideously expensive mainstream movie: Pirates 3. Painful, overlong, full of obnoxious exposition and so many double crosses that by the end, you don't fucking care.

best source of unintentional camp: Red. Blue. Good. Evil. Lohan. I know who killed me.

movies that I wish I had seen but haven't: Margot at the Wedding, because I love Noah Baumbach, Time(new movie from the guy behind 3-Iron), Youth Without Youth because I want to see what Francis Ford Coppola is up to, Elizabeth 2:the elizabethening, because it looks incredibly campy and funny, and Walk Hard, because biopics need a good kick in the ass.

movies that I guess might be good but that I don't have much interest in: Juno, because there is only so much quirk I can stand, Spiderman 3, because it probably has the same horrible sequel problems as Pirates 3, Gone Baby Gone, because I find macho lowerclass bahston people annoying, a bunch of depressing documentaries about Iraq, and La Vie En Rose because I don't trust biopics anymore.

edit: I will probably see Juno when it hits video, it's just so overhyped right now that I'm kinda sick of it.
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