BU Orientation

Jun 13, 2009 23:53

So after Monday graduation we tried to go to Newport Creamery, the fam and I. It was closed. So we came home and gorged ourselves on the massive amounts of Daily Scoop Ice cream, which made me very happy. Then I woke up the next day and had to pack for ORIENTATION!!!!! WOOH!!! HAHA!

So I packed, after I finished a book, went to the Daily Scoop to talk Heidi about it, but Dean was there instead, so I didn't get any free ice cream. :( Then I came home and got pumped for Orientation.

Wednesday morning I woke up at 7:30, the first time in a very long time, to shower before I went to BU. I did my hair so I wouldn't have to do it before the Terrier Card picture. XD Anyways, I left, almost got out of North Farm and realized I felt naked because I wasn't wearing any jewelry. So I went back home, and my Nana told me to count to ten because coming back was bad luck....O great. However we rode to the island to head up that way, which always makes me happy. So close to the beach. :) This was clearly a good sign. I was so pumped. And I didn't pack a single sundress or skirt, because they said casual, and I knew I would wear it everyday, haha.

I arrived there, walked two blocks, my Grandfather insisted on dragging my suitcase, of which I am eternally grateful, although I said I would do it myself. He dropped me at the GSU (George Sherman Union) and left. I was officially on my own (for two nights and three days at least). I signed in and immediately was thrown into a group of people who were all extremely friendly. This seemed to be an ongoing theme at BU. Everyone is extremely peppy, outgoing, optimistic, nice, and most are good looking, haha. Within a half hour I met two other girls who had gone to all girls Catholic schools, and I thought no one would understand what that does to you. XD

Like cattle, but happy cattle, we were ushered into this giant room that I love, for opening ceremony things, and prep for Common Ground. Common Ground is this thing BU does to have people get to know each other and the city, under the pretense that everyone has a 'common ground'. So we had an introduction, were told we were going to get free t-shirts, and then we were told to find a partner. Lo and behold Shro was sitting right next to me, what a surprise! So we became partners. Then we had to twiddle each others thumbs, yes that is what you think it is. Haha. Then we had to find another group of two, where in a square we had to have a thumb war with each other. Then we had to find another group of four in which we had to find something we had in common that began with B and something that began with U. We decided on bathing and underwear, things we all decided we enjoyed. Last we had to find another group of eight. Instead we found a group of 16. We had to all hold hands and go into an adjoining room, without touching another group. If we did we had to scream "DON'T TOUCH ME". Now the fun began. We were assigned a group leader, and we got Andrew Peter McFarland, which is a story all within himself....hahahaha. After a few more icebreakers in which I met a boy named Gian from Hendi, we set off into the city.

Our GPS was broken. So Shro and I led the group to the ducks in Boston Commons. Only when I thought I saw ducks, it was actually fence posts. However since I did not have my glasses on we were indeed headed in the right direction instead of the wrong one. Once we found the ducks, people thought that we were looking for real one, but we were looking for the statues from "Make Way For Ducklings". More icebreakers! This time the game was like Pico Fermi Bagel, but with four people. Andrew picked four and didn't tell us anything. It didn't take as long as I thought it would. Then we set off again for the next clue, Louisburg Square. This time the GPS worked and we followed it to a square where John Kerry lives. It wasn't that exciting. On we went again to what I thought was supposed to be Fenway, but the clue was actually for Frog Pond. Here we played, perhaps my favorite icebreaker. We stood in a circle and had to make eye contact with someone, however if they made eye contact back with us, we both had to scream and leave the circle. I was part of the first pair that had to leave, and this was one of the most amusing things to watch. Last was the Hub itself, aka the state house. Here we learned about General Hooker, a man who gave Hooker's there name. After this we played another icebreaker. We had rock paper scissor wars, in which the loser had to follow the winner as his/her pose and cheer him/her on. We got down to two, and although our group lost, we had the best pose!

Once we arrived back at BU we played duck duck goose, which turned out to be dangerous, and we got our t-shirts. Then we were told to go sign into our dorms. Luckily I got Shro as my roommate, a test run for next year. Too bad I can't change my room assignment....jk!!!!! Anywho, earlier on in the day, a few girls had informed me of the bed bugs they had encountered when they had stayed over the previous night. Therefore the first thing I did was check the bed. Where there bugs? YES!!!! So Shro and I promptly sat on the desks and called people telling them of this horror. I flipped my mattress over, after killing one, and refused to sleep that night. Then we went on city excursions!

We decided to go to Fenway Movies. We saw hangover, however we showed up fashionably late because we went to Panera. As you might have realized, this is the first time I mentioned food, and you know how I am, so I was ravenous. We ate, went to the movie. The second half was highly amusing, so I am hoping that the first half was too. I plan on seeing it again so I can understand it properly. We were by Fenway when the game was won, or maybe the Red Sox just got ahead, either way we could hear the screams.

When we got back to the dorms I decided it was in my best interest to sleep. The bugs still scared me. I went to put on my sheets and realized I had been given two fitted sheets and no flat sheet. Thus I went downstairs, told someone, and waited about 40 minutes to get a sheet so I could go to bed. At midnight I was finally able to lie down, and somehow fell asleep. Thus was day one's conclusion.

The next morning I awoke and we found our way to the opening ceremonies. Where I believed there was going to be food. However I was mistaken, and thus did not have any breakfast. Starving I listened to the amazing band, watched people due the BU shuffle, got some random girls number because I was told to, was assigned to a group, and then we embarked to the foyer of the Agganis arena where we were to find our group. Of course my guy's sign was down and even though I was #16, it took me until group #90 arrived to find him. However, all is well that ends well. Off we went to the CAS building.

More icebreakers occurred. Our names, where we had been, where we were and where we were going was the topic, as well as our favorite movie and where we were from. Then we played the game where one person goes in the middle, says something about themselves, and then if it is a quality you have you have to run in the middle, find a spot, and if you don't you are stuck in the middle. After many rounds of this we went into the building to begin a day of seminars. However here I made two friends. First there was a seminar about the Core, then one about community service, studying abroad, etc. Here I won a Starburst for knowing why the mascot it named Rhett. (No one loved Scarlet more than Rhett. - Gone With the Wind) This was to hold me over until lunch. Then there was a seminar that did not hold my interest, so I do no remember what it was about, but next was lunch! This was surprisingly amazing. I am very pleased that next year I will be eating well.

After that, guess what! No not another seminar, but rather student advising. Here we learned about everything we would need to graduate on time, and all our different options. Then we had to fill in a schedule, without a computer, looking through huge books to find times and such. That was fun. However next was another seminar. This one was about safety, and although it wasn't supposed to be, it was hilarious. Here I learned that plastic wrap works as a condom and it works just as well. So this is a helpful hint for everyone.

Next was the barbeque. Again the food was amazing. And I had some of the best watermelon ever. Again this made me content knowing I would eat well next year. The barbeque was held on the beach, which is actually grass with traffic going by that sounds like waves....haha. I was a little disappointed, but it is BU so I will deal with it. We had to take pictures with our group, and our leader John, left to try and force the photographer, none other than Andrew McFarland was the photographer, to take our picture so we could go back into CAS to do more advising! How riveting. XD

Since I had already planned out my schedule I got to leave. So I went to the book store with Brooke, a girl I met from a town that only has 200 people, and I got a new sweatshirt! That I have worn everyday since I got it, haha. I headed back because next was another  seminar!!! THis one was about student life at the University. Next may be my favorite part from the entire orientation, the skit put on by the student advisors.

First off it was a spoof on all things commercial, which was extremely funny in that they got it down to a t. My SA was dressed in drag, which is always humorous. My favorite character was a boy who clutched a stuffed animal and cried for almost the entire thing. The best part by far was the single ladies rendition done by a man playing beyonce, who put every other dancer on that stage to shame. He also looked better in his costume than some. After I was pulled up by Shro to dance in the isle, thank you very much, we sat back down and waited for something to happen. We all just sat there, until finally someone came on stage and said "You can go downstairs now"....like we were supposed to know.

Here I tried to get someone to do Karaoke with me, but we watched comedians instead, who were hilariously funny. First was the guy from BU who had earned the title "Funniest Person on Campus". And apparently everyone who has ever won this title has become a professional comic. The next guy is a professional comic and held this title. They told the most off color jokes, that were so inappropriate, but since they covered every genre it was acceptable, and it was hilarious. That ended day two.

On the morning of day three, I awoke and decided to weather the public showers. They actually weren't as bad as I thought they would be. Someone's hair was on the wall so I had an issue with that, but they were relatively clean. I only had two issues, which I will voice here. 1. There wasn't a stall in which I could undress before showering, so I had to walk from the bathroom in nothing but a towel that barely covered my cooter. 2. The water pressure was weak. And I do not know how anyone taller than me could comfortably wash their hair, since the water nozzle was at my neck length. Other than that it is something I can get used to. Then I went to breakfast, which was good. Again happy I know I will eat well next year.

I was finally able to officially sign up for classes which took more than I thought, going to twenty different stations. My schedule of course needed a lot of help, haha, and after I took my terrier card picture. Now I am officially a BU student!!

Closing ceremonies ensued and confetti was blown at us. I am so excited for next year, and cannot wait for the fall to come. I hope that my four years there will be as great as Orientation was!

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