Oct 11, 2009 21:17
As I know you are all the best on BSG related fun, I know I'm turning to the right people for some ideas.
I'm starting roller derby and one of the BEST things about derby is picking out a name that rocks. Well, being the big BSG/Starbuck fan that I am, I wanted to center my name around her. Though with further thinking, I'm just enjoying the idea of coming up with BSG inspired derby names that would also be pretty bad ass.
I'm looking at this post as both inspiration and some fun, as I've had an awesome time coming up with derby names, try it! It's a hella good time.
So far, here are a few on the top:
Kara ThrasHER
Toaster Fraker
and the one friends seem to love is Toaster McFrakkin
I'm also going to put the saying "Nothing but the pain" on my helmet, since it fits SO WELL. And sport the number 8757. OH YEAH.
I've love to hear ideas from all of you as well! I might even find something I love better! If anything, this is a lot of fun to do.